Skill development stipend for female associate professors - Kunnskapsbasen
Skill development stipend for female associate professors
Female associate professors with permanent positions at NTNU may apply for a skills development stipend in order to qualify for full professorship.
Announcement with information and deadlines, will be made public in the channel "Alle ansatte (all employees)" in May/June every year.
På norsk: Kvalifiseringsstipend for kvinner
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Financing and use of funds
You may receive up to 150 000 NOK. You can not apply for this stipend twice.
Self-financing from the faculty
The maximum total budget is NOK 150.000. Allocated funds must be used within two years of allocation. Funds that have not been used (accounted for) before the end of the period, will be withdrawn unless an extension has been applied for for special reasons and this has been approved by the committee`s secretariat.
It is expected that the department contributes with self-financing corresponding to 30% of the total budget.
What activities can you apply funds for
The stipend should go to activities that will directly contribute to you developing the necessary skills to qualify for professorship within a reasonable amount of time. You might typically buy yourself out of teaching or administrative duties, hire a research assistant or take academic trips, but you can also apply for support of another activity that directly contributes to developing your skills and expertise.
What should the application contain?
- Your application should contain a detailed plan of how the stipend will be used to contribute to ongoing research and skill development.
- You should also include your own evaluation of the time required for you to develop the skills you need to be promoted to professor. You may reference earlier skill evaluations.
How do I apply?
The application should be sent to your department. The department will evaluate the application from an academic standpoint, as well as evaluating the time required for you to develop the skills that you need to be promoted to professor.
If there are several applications from the same department, the department will rank the applications. Next, the applications are sent to the faculty, which does the final ranking of the applications. Then the applications is to be sent in ePhorte.
Once your application is prioritized or recommended, you are committed to using the stipend if you receive it.
The faculties set internal application deadlines. Contact your faculty to find out about your deadline.
How are the applications evaluated?
- First the faculty’s ranking is considered.
- The time required for the applicant to develop the skills she needs to be promoted to professor is considered next, based on the department’s evaluation, the applicant's own evaluation and any previous skill evaluations.
- The plan for the qualifying period and the use of the stipend are considered.
- The number of female associate professors and professors in the academic environment are taken into account.
- If several applications are equal, the stipends will be distributed evenly among the faculties. This stipend is in addition to regular sabbatical stipends.
The applications for skill development stipends should therefore be considered independently of sabbaticals
Promotion to full professor
See the page on promotion to full professor for more information and deadlines.