Starter kit for gender balance - Kunnskapsbasen
Starter kit for gender balance
Starter kit for gender balance is created to help people in subject areas where their gender is underrepresented.
Norsk versjon: Startpakke for kjønnsbalanse
See more measures and resources at Gender equality and diversity - measures and resources
What is the starter kit?
- The starter kit is for people in permanent scientific positions within subject areas where their gender is underrepresented
- The starter kit is limited to institutes where the proportion of gender is underrepresented among permanent scientific staff is less than 25%. Applications may be made for operating- and equipment funds and wage funds for research assistance. The maximum amount is NOK 300 000. It is expected that the department contributes with self-financing corresponding to 30% of the total budget.
- Allocated funds shall be used within two years. Funds that have not been used (accounted for) before the end of the project period will be withdrawn unless an extension has been applied for due to special reasons and this has been approved by the committee’s secretariat.
Who can apply?
Newly employed people in permanent scientific positions at institutes with a proportion of women below 25 per cent (in corresponding positions).
How to apply
- The application must be justified
- If the faculty applies for starter packages for more people, the applications must be given priority.
- When awarded a starter kit, you may be asked for feedback (for example, after 2 years) about how the scheme has worked.
- The feedback is to be sent to the committee`s secretariat: Janet Rautio Øverland, Gender Equality and Diversity Adviser, HR and HSE Division
Sending the application
You send the application to the head of department (instituttleder) who again send it to the faculty who will make the decision.
The application is sent through ePhorte.
You can apply for a starter kit at the same time as NTNU’s other gender equality measures. There will me an announcement in the channel ‘all employees’ on Innsida.
Announcement texts
The department manager is encouraged to use NTNU’s gender equality measures – for example start-up packages and mentoring programs – in the call text for scientific positions.
Senior advisor gender equality and diversity Janet Rautio Øverland, HR- og HMS-avdelingen.