Diversity measures - Kunnskapsbasen
Diversity measures
We are a university with diversity. The measures below will make our diversity visible, increase our knowledge across the organization and contribute to inclusion and belonging.
Are you going to carry out a project, event or similar, which strengthens the work with diversity? Here, as an employee, or leader, you will find information on how you can apply for measures in this connection.
Norsk versjon: Mangfoldstiltak
See more measures and resources: Gender equality and diversity - measures and resources
What are diversity measures?
Diversity measures can, for example, be projects and events that promote human rights, inclusion and diversity across the grounds for discrimination in the Gender Equality and Discrimination Act. The measures will contribute to inclusion and belonging at the university for under-represented groups.
Who can apply?
The measures should have support and foundation at a faculty or with the joint administration. Independent initiatives can also apply. These should communicate directly with the Gender equality and diversity adviser. Interdisciplinary collaboration with initiatives that promote diversity throughout NTNU is desirable and encouraged.
The size of the measure
The application can be up to NOK 500 000. It is expected that the units to which the measures are linked contribute 40% of their own financing of the total budget, own efforts can replace this and justified in the application.
Allocated funds must be used within 1 year after allocation. Funds that have not been used (accounted for) before the end of the period will be withdrawn unless and extension has been applied for due to special reasons and this has been approved by the committees secretariat.
Announcement and award
Every spring, the Committee for Gender Equality and Diversity announces the Rector’s funding for gender equality and diversity. The announcement will be made by the Committee and announced in the autumn. Dates and focus areas can vary from year to year and one should therefore read the announcement carefully.
This is how you apply
- Fill in the Application form “diversity”
- The application form must be submitted to Elements with the case number from the announcement within the application deadline. Independent applications on diversity must be sent to the Gender equality and diversity adviser.
Gender and equality adviser Janet Rautio Øverland, HR- and HSE-division.