Procedure for handling of HSE incident/discrepancy
- Laws and regulations for HSE
- HSE policy
Systemic HSE work
- Retningslinje for systematisk HMS-arbeid
- Retningslinje for årlig gjennomgang av det systematiske HMS-arbeidet
- Retningslinje for tilrettelegging og samarbeid mellom linjeleder og verneombud
- Retningslinje for risikovurdering og risikostyring knyttet til HMS
- Guideline for reporting and handling HSE incident/discrepancy
- Retningslinje for bruk av bedriftshelsetjenesten
- Retningslinje for brannvern
- Retningslinje for HMS ved feltarbeid
- Organizational and psychosocial work environment
- Physical work environment
- Chemical and biological work environment
- Ergonomics
Systemic HSE work
- Bedriftshelsetjenesten
Procedure for handling of HSE incident/discrepancy
Procedure for handling of HSE incident/discrepancy
This is a procedure that describes the procedure for handling HSE incident/discrepancy
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that HSE incident/discrepancy are handled in a way that makes it possible to draw lessons from the incident/discrepancy and reduce the probability of a similar event occurring again. '
Scope and anchoring
The procedure applies to all units, employees and students at NTNU.
Procedure for handling HSE incident/discrepancy
HSE incident/discrepancy handler:
The HSE incident/discrepancy handler is a person at the unit who has been delegated this task from the Line Manager. The HSE incident/discrepancy handler is responsible for the following steps in HSE incident/discrepancy handling
Accept or reject
Assess whether reported HSE deviations should be accepted or rejected.
- Accept: If the message is an HSE deviation and the notifier belongs to the unit you are processing for
- set a realistic deadline under "Deadline for closing the deviation"
- select "Accepted as a deviation" under status at the top right
- Enter a comment (eg: the HSE deviation is accepted) in the field «comments and conclusion»
- Then click "OK" at the bottom right. E-mails stating that the deviation has been approved and the deadline set will then be sent automatically to the notifier.
- Reject: If the message is not a HSE deviation
- write a justification in the field «Comments and conclusion»
- select «Rejected (must be justified)» under «Status» at the top right
- Then click "OK" at the bottom right. E-mail about rejected deviations and reasons is then sent automatically to the notifier. The treatment is finished.
- Request more information from notifier: Create a «New task» under «Tasks [insert screen]. Describe what information you need and assign the task to the person who submitted the HSE deviation. Uncheck "Send message" and click "OK".
- Transfer the deviation to another unit: If the notifier belongs to another unit for which you are the case officer, you can transfer the deviation to the correct place. Select the correct device under "Organization". Click "OK". If for other reasons you want to transfer a deviation to another unit / processor, this must be clarified with the relevant unit before the deviation is transferred.
- Supplementary information: Can be entered in the field «Comments and conclusion, possibly uploaded as a file attachment. Click "OK" to save.
Event type
Specify one or more event types. Note that you get more selected by clicking on the small "arrow" to the right of the event types.
Cause: Enter one or more reasons. Try to find and specify «root causes», e.g. by asking «5 times why».
- Student injured himself on saw. Why?
- The student came into contact with the saw blade by sawing a small test piece. Why?
- In order to be able to perform this sawing, an ordinary feed piece could not be used. Why?
- A saw that was not designed for precision sawing of small specimens was used. Why?
- The student had not received training in sawing small test pieces. Why?
- Practical training in the use of saws is not part of the workshop training.
In the above example, several causal categories may be relevant, e.g. O1 - «Inadequate competence», O3 - Insufficient planning / risk assessment, and an assessment should perhaps be made of whether the training should be changed, risk assessment of work carried out should perhaps be revised and one may have to assess whether one has appropriate equipment available, etc. Such assessments are best done in collaboration with those who know the work situation.
Consequence - actual outcome
Select one or more consequences, depending on what is relevant to the incident.
Consequence - Potential
Indicate under "Potential" what could have been the outcome if one or a few factors had been different.
Occupational injury / occupational disease
Send to the claims handler: If "Yes" is entered under "Should the incident be reported as an occupational injury / occupational disease", click on three dots on the right and select email. Select the E-mail template "Til skadebehandler" with completed information about the incident. Select the correct distribution list with claims handlers for the desired faculty. Select send. You have then logged that information has been sent to the claims handler. Information for the claims handler can be found here.
Tasks / Measures
Assess which tasks / measures must be carried out in order to close the HSE incident/discrepancy and who will carry this out. Safety representative and reporter should be involved in this assessment. Measures should be clarified with the line manager before implementation. It is a good idea to contact the person who is to carry out measures / tasks before you send measures / tasks.
Submission of tasks:
- Click on the "Tasks" tab [Insert Screenshot]
- Select "New task"
- Describe the task and assign the task to the relevant person
- Set a realistic deadline
- Select "Send message" and "OK"
If Campus Service is to be involved, create an initiative for yourself with the text «Reported in e-caretaker». Do not transfer the actual HSE incident/discrepancy or measures in the HSE incident/discrepancy system to individuals at Campus Service. Then create a case ie caretaker and write in the need message that this applies to an HSE incident/discrepancy. When the case has been completed in the e-caretaker, you can update the measure in the HSE incident/discrepancy system and close the reported HSE incident/discrepancy. Note that measures to be taken by the homeowner in rented buildings must also be reported to the Campus Service via caretaker.
Closing of HSE incident/discrepancy
- All measures must be implemented. Assess whether the measures work as intended
- Enter a final assessment in the field «Comments and conclusion» [insert screenshot]
- The HSE incident/discrepancy is closed by selecting «Finished processing» under «Status». Then click "OK".
Claims handler
Information for the claims handler can be found here.
Occupational Health Service (OHS)
In accordance with the requirements in Regulations on organization, management and participation §13-2, the occupational health service at NTNU reviews all HSE incident/discrepancy reports with special focus on very serious / serious incidents, personal injuries and possible trends (ie the same type of HSE incident/discrepancy in different places / repeated times). OHS can contact therapists for further information about individual deviations.
E-mails from the HSE deviation system
The HSE deviation system automatically sends the following e-mails:
- Confirmation of reported HSE nonconformity - notifier
- New HSE non-conformance reported - non-conformance handler
- HSE deviations accepted - notifier, safety representative
- HSE deviation rejected - notifier
- Indicated occupational injury / occupational disease and submitted injury handler - injury handler, safety representative, line manager
- Completed / closed HSE deviation - notifier, safety representative
- Tasks - to the person who is specified as the task performer.
Forms and measures are sent to relevant internal and external actors
HSE incident/discrepancy that require case processing outside the HSE incident/discrepancy system
- Personal information must not be registered in a HSE incident/discrepancy system. The HSE incident/discrepancy system must only process the event itself
- Assess who should have a letter / note about the HSE incident/discrepancy, for example the police, other units at NTNU, coordinated enterprises, other enterprises, the Government Pension Fund. If you are unsure, contact local staff / HR.
- All injuries or occupational diseases that necessitate medical treatment or result in incapacity for work must be reported to NAV by filling in the injury form in the system.
- All correspondence as mentioned above must be processed and archived in ePhorte. If you are unsure, contact your local staff / HR or local document center.
- Report can be written in pdf format from the deviation system and uploaded in ePhorte
- HSE incident/discrepancy ID must be registered on the case in ePhorte, and the ePhorte case number must be registered in the HSE incident/discrepancy system (use comment field)
Deviations / measures for information only
- Assess who should have information about the deviation, for example other units at NTNU, coordinated enterprises, other enterprises
- The report can be written in pdf format from the HSE incident/discrepancy system and sent directly as an attachment by e-mail
Relevant documents
See also right margin
Click here to see footage of
- If you have any questions about damage reports, contact your local HR employee
- If you need to change access, contact your local administrator.
- System Administrator CIM Deviation;
- The oracle service - Contacted for technical errors (for example if you do not get access or if people can not be found in the system)
About the procedure
Type of document | Procedure |
Managed by | Section for HSE and emergency preparedness |
Approved by | Not approved |
Last revised | 15.02.2022 |
Next review | Planned completion February 2023 |