Guideline for reporting and handling HSE incident/discrepancy
- Laws and regulations for HSE
- HSE policy
Systemic HSE work
- Retningslinje for systematisk HMS-arbeid
- Retningslinje for årlig gjennomgang av det systematiske HMS-arbeidet
- Retningslinje for tilrettelegging og samarbeid mellom linjeleder og verneombud
- Retningslinje for risikovurdering og risikostyring knyttet til HMS
- Guideline for reporting and handling HSE incident/discrepancy
- Retningslinje for bruk av bedriftshelsetjenesten
- Retningslinje for brannvern
- Retningslinje for HMS ved feltarbeid
- Organizational and psychosocial work environment
- Physical work environment
- Chemical and biological work environment
- Ergonomics
Systemic HSE work
- Bedriftshelsetjenesten
Guideline for reporting and handling HSE incident/discrepancy
Guideline for reporting and handling HSE incident/discrepancy
A good system for reporting and handling HSE incident/discrepancy helps to ensure a safe work environment for employees, students and others at NTNU.
The guideline shall contribute to HSE incident/discrepancy being reported and handled so that one learns from unwanted incidents, and takes the necessary measures to correct and prevent them from happening again.
Scope and anchoring
The guideline is subordinate to the HSE policy, and applies to all units at NTNU. The guideline is anchored in the Regulations on systematic health, environment and safety work in enterprises (Internal Control Regulations) § 5. second paragraph point 7.
is responsible for NTNU having a system for reporting and handling HSE incident/discrepancy, monitoring any trends and reporting.
Line manager
is responsible for ensuring that the guideline is known and followed at its own unit.
is responsible for ensuring that HSE incident/discrepancy at its own unit are reported, handled and that the necessary measures are implemented within a reasonable time. See Procedure for following up HSE incident/discrepancy.
Employees / Students
is responsible for reporting HSE incident/discrepancy. See Procedure for reporting HSE incident/discrepancy.
Unwanted event:
An incident that have / could have caused personal injury or illness, damage to or loss of property, damage to the external environment or other types of damage.
Violation of legislation, guidelines, procedures or routines.
Improvement proposals:
Reasoned, solution-oriented and realistic proposals for new or improved routines, methods of action, equipment and the like, which contribute to improving the working environment.
Implementation of notification and handling of HSE incident/discrepancy
Rector of the section for HSE and emergency preparedness
- shall operate NTNU's system for reporting and handling HSE incident/discrepancy.
- shall look for trends in HSE incident/discrepancy and identify and initiate possible improvements.
- shall report statistics on reports of HSE deviations to the Working Environment Committee (AMU) and NTNU's board.
Line manager / line manager representative
- shall handle reported HSE incident/discrepancy within a reasonable time. Management consists of finding out what has happened, why it happened, correcting it, and taking measures to prevent it from happening again.
- shall classify the HSE incident/discrepancy, ensure the quality of the processing, possibly obtain necessary, supplementary information and ensure that it does not contain sensitive personal information
- shall cooperate with safety representatives in handling HSE incident/discrepancy.
- shall follow up the implementation of the decided measures and ensure that the HSE deviation is closed. In the event of an occupational injury / occupational disease, the deviation shall not be closed until the claims handler [link] has confirmed that a notification has been sent to NAV.
- shall ensure that necessary access to the HSE incident/discrepancy reporting system at the unit is provided and update these in the event of changes.
- must provide necessary reporting (see reporting)
Safety representative
shall within its area of protection:
- receive notification of approved HSE deviations and follow the case processing.
- ensure that the line manager / line manager's representative follows up on reported HSE deviations.
- assist line manager, employee and / or student as needed.
The safety representative has access to the deviation system at the unit.
Staff and students
- Must report this as soon as possible after an HSE non-conformance has occurred. The deviation must be described. Measures can be proposed.
- In the event of serious personal injury and death, must report to the line manager as soon as possible. If you do not get in touch with the nearest manager, NTNU's emergency telephone number (800 80 388) must be contacted. NB: handling of the acute incident and notification of emergency services is done first.
The line manager / line manager's representative must:
- report statistics on HSE deviations to the Local Working Environment Committee (LAMU) or HSE forum.
- in the event of accidents that have resulted in serious injury and serious near-accident, send a copy of the HSE deviation and the analysis to LAMU.
- in the event of HSE deviations that have led to exposure to factors that entail requirements for registration in the exposure register, ensure that this is done.
- if the unit has a coordination agreement on HSE with another unit, send a copy of the deviation report to the partner.
- in the event of accidents that have caused serious injury (Arbeidstilsynet's definition) or death, as soon as possible, and no later than the same day, notify the line manager, the nearest police authority and Arbeidstilsynet (AT). The notification to AT must also be confirmed in writing by the manager through the form Notification of an accident at work that has caused death or serious personal injury (
- in the event of possible injury that will be discovered later, sick leave and personal injury where a doctor has been consulted (occupational injury), as well as in the event of fatal accidents, ensure that the deviation is marked with personal injury.
- In the event of accidents and abnormal events that are subject to notification in accordance with the Radiation Protection Regulations, send a report to the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority ( as soon as possible and no later than 3 days. The central radiation protection coordinator at the Section for HSE and emergency preparedness will assist.
- in the case of emissions of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), report to the Norwegian Directorate of Health on the same day on tel. The following information is provided: What has happened. Why it happened. The identity and amount of GMOs released. Information necessary to assess the effects of the accident on health and the environment. What measures have been implemented.
- In the event of a breach of privacy, the Norwegian Data Protection Authority must be notified within 72 hours.
Injury handler must
- in the event of deviations marked with an occupational injury / occupational disease, send a notification to NAV in accordance with the Injury Report for Injury handlers.
About the guideline
Type of document | Guideline |
Managed by | Section for HSE and emergency preparedness |
Approved by | HSE-manager, 06.09.2021 |
Last revised | 15.02.2022 |
Next review | Planned completion August 2022 |