Chemical and biological work environment
Chemical and biological work environment
Chemical and biological work environment
The Working Environment Act's provision on the working environment shall prevent employees from being exposed to various negative conditions. Chemicals can pose a danger to workers' safety and health. There are different ways an employee can be exposed to chemicals. It can occur by inhalation, through the skin, or by swallowing. How dangerous the exposure is depends on the properties of the chemical, level of exposure, how and for how long one has been exposed. Biological factors are microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi and microscopic parasites), cell cultures, endoparasites and components of microorganisms that can cause damage to human health. As with all other matters, the law requires that the chemical and biological working environment be fully sound.
- Guideline for handling and use of chemicals and gases
- Guideline for handling and use of biological factors
- Guideline for substance registers and exposure registers (in progress)
- Guideline for fume cupboards
Search - internal lists
You can search NTNU's internal lists, based on CAS number, to find out whether a chemical is covered by special regulations. Please note that the lists will never be exhaustive. The lists are revised annually.
Professional assistance
The Occupational Health Service (BHT) and the Section for HSE and Emergency Preparedness can assist the unit's HSE work within the chemical and biological work environment.
In OHS, the staff has a free and independent position. The staff in BHT have a duty of confidentiality. Here are employees at OHS with special expertise in chemical and biological work environment.
In the Section for HSE and emergency preparedness, you will find the employer's internal specialists. Here are employees at the Section for HSE and emergency preparedness with special expertise in the chemical and biological work environment.
Information, tools, tips and advice within the chemical and biological work environment
I BHT har personalet en fri og uavhengig stilling. Personalet i BHT har taushetsplikt. Her er ansatte ved BHT med spesialkompetanse innen kjemisk og biologisk arbeidsmiljlø.
I Seksjon for HMS og beredskap finner man arbeidsgivers interne fagspesialister. Her er ansatte ved Seksjon for HMS og beredskap med spesialkompetanse innen kjemisk og biologisk arbeidsmiljlø.