Systemic HSE work
- Laws and regulations for HSE
- HSE policy
Systemic HSE work
- Retningslinje for systematisk HMS-arbeid
- Retningslinje for årlig gjennomgang av det systematiske HMS-arbeidet
- Retningslinje for tilrettelegging og samarbeid mellom linjeleder og verneombud
- Retningslinje for risikovurdering og risikostyring knyttet til HMS
- Guideline for reporting and handling HSE incident/discrepancy
- Retningslinje for bruk av bedriftshelsetjenesten
- Retningslinje for brannvern
- Retningslinje for HMS ved feltarbeid
- Organizational and psychosocial work environment
- Physical work environment
- Chemical and biological work environment
- Ergonomics
Systemic HSE work
- Bedriftshelsetjenesten
20 Jun 2024
Systemic HSE work
Systemic HSE work
It is the unit's systematic HSE work that is the most important tool for ensuring and developing a good working environment.
- Guideline for systematic HSE work
- Guideline for annual review of the systematic HSE work - Internal control
- Guideline for facilitation and cooperation between the line manager and the safety representative
- Guideline for risk assessment and risk management related to HSE (under construction)
- Guideline for reporting and handling HSE incident/discrepancy
- Guideline for the use of the occupational health service (BHT)
- Guideline for fire protection
- Guideline for HSE in field work
Professional assistance
The Occupational Health Service (OHS) and the Section for HSE and emergency preparedness can assist the units with systematic HSE work.
In OHS, the staff has a free and independent position. The staff in OHS have a duty of confidentiality. Here are employees at OHS with specialist expertise in systematic HSE work.
In the Section for HSE and emergency preparedness, you will find the employer's internal specialists. Here are employees at the section for HSE and emergency preparedness with specialist expertise in systematic HSE work.