
Services and help for teaching

On the child pages further down this page you'll find resources to help you with teaching and learning.

Norsk versjon: Tjenester og hjelp for undervisning

Other relevant pages:

Child Pages (26)

  • Arenas for discussing teaching and learning

    Norsk versjon: Møteplasser for læring Here is an overview of learning forums and skill-enhancement offerings within learning, teaching, and technology that might be beneficial for those involved in...

  • Best practice for online sessions

    On this page you find practical information for how plan and carry out online sessions. Norwegian version – Anbefalt praksis for nettbaserte økter Innholdsfortegnelse [-] About online sessions...

  • Captioning videos

    Captioning videos is a requirement as part of current regulations for universal design. At NTNU, we have several tools that can simplify subtitling of videos. Norsk versjon: Teksting av video...

  • Course and Learning Design

    Good teaching is characterized by accord between learning objectives, learning activities and form of assessment, so called constructive alignment teaching. This means that you should choose...

  • Holistic Teaching and Learning Support

    Norsk versjon: Heilskapleg læringsstøtte Project goals The project Holistic Teaching and Learning Support aims to design a model for collaboration that will ensure that NTNU’s teaching and learning...

  • How to change assessment in EpN

    Infomation is coming! work-in-progress 19.10.23 Norsk versjon: Hvordan endre vurderingsform i EpN

  • Hybrid teaching

    This page talks about hybrid teaching in real-time (synchronous). It highlights research-based guidelines that can help you successfully implement hybrid teaching. Norsk versjon: Hybrid...

  • Learning Safari

    Innholdsfortegnelse [-] Learning Safari in Ålesund, October 26th, 2023 Host or take part in a Learning Safari Previous Learning Safaris Contact us Norsk versjon: Læringssafari Learning Safari aims...

  • Læringstreff (Experience Sharing Seminars)

    Topic page: Plan, administrate and evaluate teaching Norsk versjon - Læringstreff Innholdsfortegnelse [-] How to participate in Læringstreff How to present at a Læringstreff Lunsj & lær Resources...

  • Make podcasts for use in teaching

    This wiki was prepared as a contribution to “Guidelines for online teaching” You can easily create audio file or podcast yourself! Innholdsfortegnelse [-] How to create a podcast Preparation...

  • NTNU Learning Community

    NTNU Learning Community is an open forum for teaching and educational research. On this page you will find information on how to log in to share and discuss with other engaged colleagues in the HE...

  • Online courses

    Norsk versjon: Nettkurs Innholdsfortegnelse [-] Why online course? Different types of online courses Digit - NTNUs platform for online courses Take an online course on how to make an online course...

  • Oppmøteregistrering i digital undervisning

    På denne siden finner du en oversikt over hvordan du kan registrere oppmøte i digital undervisning i Blackboard Collaborate, Zoom, og Panopto. Innholdsfortegnelse [-] Blackboard Collaborate...

  • Plan your teaching with SALSA

    Innholdsfortegnelse [-] The SALSA categories The SALSA methodology SALSA in 1-2-3 Preparations Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 SALSA boards SALSA self-help resources Contact Norsk versjon: Planlegg...

  • Privacy in online teaching

    How to ensure privacy in online education. Pages tagged with: privacy Innholdsfortegnelse [-] Recording of online teaching Streaming of online teaching Recording - with or without students Use of...

  • Registering attendance in online teaching

    On this page you can find an overview on how to register attendance in online lectures through Blackboard Collaborate, Zoom, and Panopto Innholdsfortegnelse [-] Blackboard Collaborate Course Room...

  • Rooms for varied and flexible teaching and learning

    Norsk versjon: Læringsareal til varierte undervisningsformer Innholdsfortegnelse [-] Learning area for flexible teaching methods Student active learning Multi-campus teaching Session-based teaching...

  • Studio Akrinn

    Studio Akrinn is a studio equipped to produce high quality sound and image productions. The studio is set up with a light rig, stage, large touch screen, green screen and several professional...

  • Teaching Resources - contacts

    On this page you can find a list of contacts that can help you with teaching resources at NTNU. The contacts are part of NTNU’s teaching resources network. There are many specialist environments...

  • Team-based learning

    Information on team-based learing and how you can use it as part of your teaching. Norsk versjon - Teambasert læing | Topic page for Plan, administrate and evaluate teaching Innholdsfortegnelse [-]...

  • The flipped classroom method

    Information about the flipped classroom method and how you kan use this method to improve your lectures. Norsk versjon - Flipped classroom i undervisning Topic page: Plan, administrate and evaluate...

  • Universal design of digital learning resources

    In Norway, we want a society where everyone can participate. Therefore, universal design of ICT is a legal requirement for both public and private sector (difi) Norwegian version: Universell...

  • Using video for teaching and learning

    Norsk versjon: Bruke video til undervisning og læring This page contains tips and information about using video in education and how you, as an educator, can utilize video as a tool for learning...

  • Video conferencing best-practices

    In order for everyone to have such a good experience of participating in video- based communication, the following video meeting guidelines are suggested guidance, teaching and recording of...

  • Video recording and production

    On this page you can find information about different types of video productions the Section for teaching, learning and digital services can help you create. If you want to make your lectures...

  • Webinar booth

    NTNU has set up a number of new webinar booths using Zoom Room technology. These rooms can be used for online teaching and the production of learning materials. Innholdsfortegnelse [-] In the booth...