
NTNU has set up a number of new webinar booths using Zoom Room technology. These rooms can be used for online teaching and the production of learning materials.

See 360-degree photo from webinar booth Dovre.

Norwegian version: Webinarboder

In the booth

In each webinar booth you should find the following equipment:

  • Control panel
  • Three screens (From top to bottom: 1. Active speaker / Meeting participants / 2. Presentation / 3. Self-view)
  • Document camera
  • Green screen
  • White board
  • Laptop connections
  • HDMI
  • USB-C
  • Lightning cable (Mac)
  • Mini displayport

Contact Oracle via NTNU Help if you notice that the booth isn’t set up correctly or equipment is missing.

Getting started in the booth

  1. Lights will turn on automatically when you enter.
  2. To start the system, press the control panel on the table. On the panel, press «Join meeting». Meetings you participate in from webinar booths must be set up in advance, these can be set up either in the Zoom app or at If you are the host for the meeting, you can start the meeting on your own laptop, then stay in the meeting from the webinar box.
  3. After selecting "Join meeting", you must enter the meeting idea. The meeting idea has the following format: XXX XXXX XXXX (e.g. 930 9231 2432)
  4. You will then be asked to enter the passcode. The code has the format XXXXXX (eg 549928).
  5. You will then be taken into the meeting. The three screens will display the following content (from top to bottom):
    • Screen 1: Active speaker / Gallery view - Displays the other meeting participant.
    • Screen 2: Presentation - Displays content shared in the meeting (screen sharing)
    • Screen 3: Self-view - Displays camera image of you in the webinar box
  6. You can also record the meeting from the webinar booth. Press "Record meeting" and enter your e-mail address. The recording will end up in your «My Folder» in Panopto (, under the folder «Meeting recordings». If you enter the wrong e-mail address, you can contact us via NTNU Help and we will find the recording for you.

Where are the webinar booths?

We are planning to set up more booths soon so check back regularly if we don’t have one near you, this list is correct as of Dec. 2021.

Reserving the webinar booths in Outlook

The booths can be booked by inviting them to the meeting like you invite people to meetings in Outlook.

Create a meeting in Outlook, add the people you want to invite and then write in the webinar booths as well, e.g. Dragvoll Bygg 1 Nivå 3 ZoomBoks 1333 (810_1333).

Alternatively the booths' calendars can be viewed and booked by doing the following:

  1. Go to Outlook calendar, right click on "other calendars" and choose"open calendar"
  2. Write in the booth's name e.g. Dragvoll Bygg 1 Nivå 3 ZoomBoks 1333 (810_1333)
  3. The booths calendar will then be visible for you and you can easily see when the booth is available

Search words for Webinarbodene

  • Dragvoll – Bygg 1 – 1333: Dragvoll Bygg 1 Nivå 3 ZoomBoks 1333 (810_1333)
  • Kalvskinnet – Lysholmbygget 2. etasje – Dovre: Kalvskinnet Lysholmbygget Brygghuset 2. etasje Rom 2.047 - Dovre (116_2_047)
  • Gløshaugen – Realfagbygget - C1-108: Gløshaugen Realfagbygget Del C 1. etasje Webinarbod C1-108 (360_c1-108)
  • Moholt – B268B: Moholt Jonsvannsveien 82 2. etasje B268B Webinarrom (078_B268B)
  • Øya – AHL – AHM32: Øya Akutt/hjerte/lungesenteret 3. etasje AHM32 (2-340_341_03_042)
  • Øya – Øya Helsehus - ØHM4: Øya Øya helsehus 3. etasje Webinarrom ØHM4 (280_152_03_071)

Contact us

For technical support in the webinar booths please contact Orakel services for employees. For pedagogical and production support contact the Section for teaching, learning and digital services (SLD) through NTNU Hjelp.

3128 Visninger
Målgruppe: Medarbeidere Tema: Pedagogisk støtte