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Make podcasts for use in teaching

This wiki was prepared as a contribution to “Guidelines for online teaching

You can easily create audio file or podcast yourself!

Norsk versjon: Lage podcast til bruk i undervisning

A podcast is an audio file that’s distributed on the Internet. Podcasts can be downloaded or streamed live from the internet and can be listened to anytime, anywhere.

You can use audio files as part of your teaching. These files are light and easy to produce. As long as you do not need to communicate visually, podcasts can be a good alternative to video.

How to create a podcast


  1. Decide on content and write the script
    Blink has written step-by-step how to plan a podcast. Read their page for more detailed information and tips and tricks (Norwegian). The course The Power of Podcasting for Storytelling (English) gives detailed help about how to plan a podcast.
  2. Prepare your equipment and do a sound check
    For most people, a headphone with a microphone is all you need to record good-quality audio recording. You can read more about our recommendation for podcasting equipment further down the page.


  1. Record your audio
    We recommend that you do a desktop recording at home or in the office. There are limited opportunities to book a studio recording in one of NTNU's podcast studios.

After recording

  1. Edit the recording
    You can often do some editing such as trimming the file in the same program in which you made the recording. For more advanced editing, you can use Panopto.
  2. Distribute the podcast
    Audio files can be uploaded and distrbuted in the same way as other files. For example, you can upload it to Blackboard or save it on O365 OneDrive and share it with your students from there.
    Podcasts can also be posted as an RSS feed. There are many services that can store and stream your podcasts. Panopto can create and distribute podcasts the same way it does with videos in both Blackboard or on any website. NTNU has data processor agreements with Panopto and offers support for it. We therefore recommend Panopto for both video and podcast.

Desktop recording

You can easily create an audio file on your own computer, smartphone or tablet and distribute it as a podcast.

Equipment for Podcasting

Sound will always be the most important part of a podcast. The built-in microphone on computers makes it easy to pick up ambient noise. It is therefore important to have an external microphone that just picks up your voice. You can use a USB headset, but we recommend a USB podcast microphone for frequent use. Here are the Multimedia Center's recommendations, contact your local orderer for purchasing:

On computer:

The computer you are using probably has a built-in audio recording program.

  • On macOS (Macbook, iMac, etc.) you can use QuickTime.
  • On Windows 10 (most computers) you can use the "Voice Recorder" application.
  • We also recommend audio recording with Panopto.

Both QuickTime and Voice Recorder have simple editing functions. Panopto has more advanced editing capabilities.

On tablets and smartphones:

Your smart phone can be used for voice recording. Here are some tips from the University of Southeast Norway. If you want to take an online course, we recommend The Power of Podcasting for Storytelling.

Studio recording

You can make a podcast at home or in the office on your own computer, but if you want to record in a studio, we have several sound studios at NTNU.

See an overview of all recording studios for sound and video at NTNU

There are strict infection control measures to ensure that all rooms and equipment is safe and clean. You will be informed of the measures you must take before and after you use a studio.


CastPod Lyd

There is a podcast studio with equipment for audio recording and production of podcasts in Dragvoll room 1333. To book the podcast studio, you can email Blink and use the subject heading "Booking castpod". Blink Læringshub runs the podcast studio.


Studio Ankeret

Ålesund has a video studio that can be used for audio recording. A separate podcast studio is under construction, expected to be completed during 2020. Contact NTNU Help for help with audio recordings in Ålesund.

Discuss podcast production

Lærende Fellesskap

NTNU Lærende Fellesskap is a new self-help forum and a digital meeting place. Together with other educators at NTNU you can exchange ideas and discuss opportunities, challenges and practical solutions.

Log on to Lærende Fellesskap to discuss podcast production or to get in touch with others at NTNU who make Podcasts.

Teams channel «Hjelp til digitale læremidler»

In the Teams channel "Hjelp til digitale læremidler", you can get help about how to use video and podcasts in teaching.

You can join the team by clicking on the link above, or by opening the Microsoft Teams application and selecting "Join a team with a code" and then enter the code "avb1cf3".


Contact the Section for teaching, learning and digital services (SLD) for help with podcasts through NTNU Help.