
Home office

Home office - Teaching from home

Teaching from the home office can be done in several ways. On this page you will find some relevant methods to utilize in your home office.

Topic pages: Plan, administrate and evaluate teaching

Norsk versjon: Hjemmekontor - undervisning hjemmefra


Screen recording is an easy way to create teaching videos by recording what's happening on your screen. For example, you can record audio to presentations you have already made, or record other activity on your screen.

By doing a screen capture instead of having real-time education, there is less risk of technical error when students are present, and there are fewer concerns related to privacy. In many cases, a good teaching video can be reused over several semesters in the same way as a quality presentation.

Screen Capture Tools

Panopto is a video management tool with uploading, editing and subtitling functions and more. More information about Panopto.

PowerPoint supports recording audio to your presentations and can be saved as either audio presentation or video. How to record a slide show with narratation and slide timings.

In Blackboard Collaborate, you can record teaching sessions with students, or record a session with no students present. Here you will find more information about Collaborate.

Camtasia - Camtasia is a video editing tool that also has screen capture functionality. Here you will find more information about Camtasia (only in Norwegian).

Snagit - Snagit is a screen capture application that also has video and image editing functionality. Here you will find more information about Snagit (only in Norwegian).

Real-time teaching sessions

Real-time teaching is when students participate in teaching at the same time as you. Other words used about this are streaming, live, webinar and synchronous teaching. You can record real-time education, but this can present some challenges - especially around students' personal information. An alternative might be to record a teaching session or a lecture without students present. You can then share the recording with the students in NTNU's learning platform, for example in preparation for a real-time session where discussion and academic guidance are the focus.

Real-Time Teaching Tools

Collaborate is a real-time education tool built into Blackboard. Collaborate operates as a virtual classroom, where you can share screens, upload presentations and have direct instruction online. Here you will find more information about Collaborate.

Zoom is a video conferencing tool that can be used for teaching. Zoom offers high quality audio and video and can be used by both educators and students. Here you will find more information about Zoom.

Tools for interactive teaching

To make real-time teaching more student-active, different tools can be used for interaction. If one-way communication is primarily needed, it is often preferable to take screen shots rather than real-time teaching.

Mentimeter is an online student response system for student activity. You can set up surveys, quizzes and collect feedback via word clouds etc. Here you will find more information about Mentimeter.

Padlet is an interactive board where students and teachers can collaborate. Here you will find more information about the Padlet.

Video Editing

To edit videos you have already recorded, you can use Panopto for easy editing. Panopto also has good functionality for captioning video. For more functionality and advanced editing, you can use Camtasia.

User case scenarios

Case 1 - Flipped classroom online

  1. Students watch instructional videos they find in their Blackboard course
  2. Students respond to quiz with immediate feedback on what they have learned
  3. Students are divided into groups in the Blackboard course. Each group receives a topic from the video(s) they need to discuss. Students prepare on their own
  4. The group meets for a real-time seminar in Collaborate, where they discuss and co-write their conclusions around the topic. The teacher has set a fixed time for the seminar so that they can contribute to the discussions with the students.
  5. The group delivers a written text based on the work.

Case 2 - Real-time online learning

  1. Teacher shares information about where and when to meet, such as a Collaborate session
  2. Teacher shares information about good practice in online teaching, with tips for equipment and preparation
  3. Students gather in a Collaborate session with the teacher, and the teacher conducts teaching as usual
  4. Teacher arranges student activity via desired interaction tool.

Recommended equipment for recording and online teaching

We recommend using a USB headset, USB camera with microphone or other external microphone on all recordings and in online teaching sessions. This is because using the internal microphone in the PC normally leads to bad sound quality which is disturbing for students. Remember that audio is the most important thing in a video, try to be in a quiet environment when recording.

For all online teaching we would recommend having two screens. This makes presenting while leading an online session much easier.

You can use the same video recording equipment that you use for web meetings in, for example, Teams, Skype For Business, Collaborate or Zoom:

Here is the recommended equipment in the NTNU webshop

Here are more recommendations for equipment for your home office

We have tested and can recommend the following equipment:

USB-camera: Logitech Brio, Logitech C930

USB-podcast microphone: Blue Yeti X, Audio-technica AT2020USB+

USB-table microphone : Jabra SPEAK 510

Sound card for use with XLR-microphones: Focusrite Scarlet 2i2

USB-document camera: AVerVision U70+, Hovercam Solo-8plus (Multimediesenteret has 10 Hovercam available to borrow)

USB-capture card for use with HDMI cameras: Elgato Cam Link, Magewell USB Capture HDMI, Inogeni 4K2USB3

PTZ USB-camera (Pan/Tilt/Zoom): AVer CAM540 (can be mounted)


Contact Section for teaching, learning and digital services for help with digital teaching through NTNU Help.