
Picture of studio lights

Studio Akrinn is a studio equipped to produce high quality sound and image productions. The studio is set up with a light rig, stage, large touch screen, green screen and several professional cameras. To ensure that the room has good acoustics the walls and ceiling are covered with noise-reducing plates. In addition to the recording studio itself, there is a separate control room for directing, two editing rooms, equipment storage and a test lab in Studio Akrinn. The video producers and technical staff who produce the productions made in Studio Akrinn work in the Section for teaching, learning and digital services.

Studio Akrinn mostly produces videos for use in teaching and learning activities, but when occasionally if there is capacity other productions can be made.

Norwegian version: Studio Akrinn

Studio Akrinn productions

There are many different types of production that can be made in Studio Akrinn. Here are some examples of types of productions:

  • Touch screen recordings. You can be recorded in front of the touch screen either presenting, for example, a PowerPoint presentation or using the screen as a surface to write or draw on.
  • Green screen recordings. If you want to make recordings where the background is superimposed during editing, we can use the green screen. This works well if the desired background is dynamic and you’re for example explaining what happens in a video or animated process.
  • Multi-camera broadcasts. The studio has three broadcast-quality cameras allowing us to produce recordings from several angles and sections simultaneously. This can be a good type of production for discussions between several speakers or for live broadcast that will be streamed on Zoom, Youtube or Panopto.
  • Live events and webinars. If you want to lead a webinar from a high-quality studio, Studio Akrinn can be used for this. The studio is also has Zoom-room technology. The Studio, the Section for teaching, learning and digital services has dedicated webinar booths for NTNU employees use read more about them on Innsida “Webinar booth”.
  • Video and post-production editing. In Studio Akrinn there are two editing rooms for audio and video editing. Here video producers and editors from the Section for teaching, learning and digital services can edit recordings made in the field or other studios.
  • Audio recording. Studio Akrinn is adapted with noise reduction in walls and ceilings, to make good sound recordings. NTNU has other smaller studios that can be used without in-person technical support, read more about these studios on Innsida.

Examples productions from Studio Akrinn

An example of a live broadcast from the studio at NTNU Science Conversations

Where is Studio Akrinn?

Studio Akrinn is located in the lower basement, level -2, in Akrinn on the Kalvskinnet campus in Trondheim.


Contact us

To find out if we can help you with your production needs or if you have any questions about video production please contact the Section for teaching, learning and digital services via NTNU Hjelp.

2224 Visninger
Målgruppe: Medarbeidere Tema: Pedagogisk støtte