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Læringstreff (Experience Sharing Seminars)

Topic page: Plan, administrate and evaluate teaching

Norsk versjon - Læringstreff

Good ideas and experiences are even better when they are shared with others! Læringstreff is an initiative from the Section for teaching, learning and digital services with the aim of increasing experience sharing and discussion about pedagogy and technology between educators.

Læringstreff is a low-threshold forum for lecturers at NTNU. The sessions are open to everyone at NTNU who is interested in participating.

How to participate in Læringstreff

Follow our Inside channel "Nytt fra Seksjon for læringsstøtte og digitale tjenester" to stay up-to-date on new events. You can also find Experience Sharing Seminar in Læringsportalen or event calendar.

How to present at a Læringstreff

The Section for teaching, learning and digital services is always looking for educators who want to share their experiences. If you have had good experiences with a student-active teaching program or in the use of a digital tool or service, please contact us through NTNU Help, tag your message with "Læringstreff, Section for teaching, learning and digital services."

Lunsj & lær

Lunsj & lær (lunchbreak learning) is a series of webinars that are run once each semester. Each webinar has a theme, which is chosen and conducted by lecturers and NTNU students.

Lunsj & lær is Læringstreff's informal little sister - here we meet digitally, over packed lunches, to hear about different work, ideas, thoughts, and experiences in the field of digital teaching.

Resources from previous seminars

Here you'll find recordings from previous Læringstreff and Lunsj & lær.

Our blog NTNU Læringsbloggen also has resources from seminars we've held.

Contact us

Contact the Section for teaching, learning and digital services (SLD) for help or if you want to contribute to a Læringstreff. Get in touch via NTNU Help.

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