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Plan your teaching with SALSA

Norsk versjon: Planlegg undervisning med SALSA

SALSA is a methodology that helps you design and further develop teaching. The methodology can be implemented in various formats and supports the planning of teaching sessions, workshops and entire courses. SALSA can be adapted to different phases, parts or specific challenges in teaching, and can also be used in planning at study program level.

The SALSA acronym is a compilation of the terms

Student Active - Equal - Synchronous - Asynchronous

and represents some important elements that must be taken into account when planning teaching.

The SALSA methodology is developed by the Section for teaching, learning and digital services at NTNU.

The SALSA categories

The SALSA framework consists of five categories that describe the context around the learning activities:

SALSA Community are learning activities that enable students to get to know each other and gives them the opportunity to establish relationships with each other. Examples of learning activities

SALSA Group work are learning activities where two or more students can explore and learn together. Examples of learning activities

SALSA Skills practice are learning activities that give students the opportunity for authentic training and the development of practical skills. Examples of learning activities

SALSA Individual are learning activities linked to independent work within the personal learning arena. Examples of learning activities

SALSA Plenary are learning activities which take place by sharing information in a one-to-many situation. Examples of learning activities

The SALSA methodology

SALSA draws inspiration from a number of different approaches to learning design, and is based on the principle of constructive alignment, which emphasises the importance of a mutual connection between learning objectives, learning activities and assessment activities.

SALSA in 1-2-3


We recommend obtaining the necessary information for planning ahead of participation in a SALSA workshop. This could be an overview of, for example:

  • the students’ desired skills, knowledge, and competence
  • learning outcome descriptions
  • various learning and assessment activities
  • other relevant information

Step 1

The first step deals with key information and learning outcome descriptions. A reflection task is also included to increase awareness of what you want the students to be left with after completion.

Step 2

In the next step, the activity cards are used to plan a selection of learning and assessment activities. The cards have different fields for completion; time frame, assessment, notes etc.

Step 3

In the third and final step, an evaluation of the connection between learning outcome descriptions and selected learning and assessment activities is carried out. A follow-up plan is then created.

SALSA boards

The SALSA boards are available in analogue and digital versions, with activity cards for each of the five SALSA categories. The colours on the activity cards provide a visual overview of variation in learning activities, which is an important aspect linked to good didactic practice. The SALSA boards can be used for planning and further development of teaching, and can also be a good starting point for discussion in reference groups.

The paperversion of SALSA is well suited for those who want to work tactilely with the planning of teaching, and is well suited for first-time users of the SALSA methodology. For first-time users, we recommend getting to know the SALSA methodology by attending one of our workshops, where you can try out the methodology.

The digital SALSA board is available as an Excel file (20x20 grid) and has a similar layout to the paper-version. All 3 steps are available within one workspace, providing a good starting point for working systematically with the development of teaching design over time.

SALSA self-help resources

Download SALSA board (nn, bm, eng)
Download SALSA resources for physical workshop

Check out our SALSA learning activity repository, a resource for sharing learning activities sorted by the five SALSA categories. Here, you can find inspiration for your own activities and experiences and discuss and share your own activities with others.
Use this link:


Are you interested in trying out SALSA?
Or do you have other questions for us? Feel free to contact us at the Section for teaching, learning and digital services through NTNU Help.

Download SALSA board PDF-dokumentation