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NTNU Learning Community

NTNU Learning Community is an open forum for teaching and educational research.

On this page you will find information on how to log in to share and discuss with other engaged colleagues in the HE sector. The forum is also available with reading permission without logging in.

Norsk versjon: NTNU Lærende Fellesskap

  • Interested in new teaching and course design ideas?
  • Wish to share or exchange experiences testing new technology?
  • Are you looking for new interdisciplinary research collaborations?
  • Do you have valuable experiences that you think others can benefit from?
  • Wondering about how to create safe and including learning environments?
  • Do you want to find other colleagues who want to exchange ideas with you?

About NTNU Learning Community

NTNU Learning Community is a self-help forum and a digital meeting place, where you can discuss with others. Together you can exchange ideas and discuss opportunities, challenges and practical solutions. The forum provides an informal arena for experience sharing and networking related to teaching and educational research in higher education. Here you can establish networks for new exciting collaborations, or get in touch with colleagues you didn't know you had.

Important! NTNU Learning Community is not NTNU Hjelp.
If you are in need for user support, solving technical problems or have other questions related to NTNU software, services or equipment, you must contact NTNU Help.

How to join

  1. Go to
  2. Register with your username and e-mail, confirm the invitation that comes to your given e-mail address (employees at NTNU can log in with Feide)
  3. Read, share and engage in constructive conversations with colleagues who are also engaged in quality teaching and interesting research

Get off to a good start

  • Get to know how the Learning Community works: Learning Community - Read this first
  • Read and like posts that engage you
  • Join the discussion if you have something on your mind
  • Search for discussions and topics that engage you
  • Create new discussions for topics that are missing
  • Invite your colleagues to take part

Bookmark the forum in your browser


Contact us at the Section for teaching, learning and digital services (SLD) in NTNU Help.