Hiring procedures
Permanent positions and contract-BASED employment
Recruitment and hiring
(mostly in Norwegian only)
- Teknisk-administrative stillinger (Sharepoint - krever innlogging)
- Midlertidig vitenskapelige stillinger - stipendiat og postdoktor (Sharepoint - krever innlogging)
- Faste vitenskapelige stillinger (SharePoint - krever innlogging)
- Digital recruitment (in Norwegian)
- Prosessen for nyansettelse: arbeidsavtale, registrering, tilganger
- Employment contracts
- Midlertidig ansettelse
- Habilitet i rekrutteringsprosesser
- Rammeavtaler for bistand i rekrutteringsprosesser
- Bruk av testing i rekrutteringsprosesser
Ansettelse av utenlandske medarbeidere og gjesteforskere
- Onboarding of international researchers
- Remember to update national identity number or D-number
- Firmaattest får du ved å kontakte staff.international@adm.ntnu.no
- HMS-erklæring (doc) - Erklæring om at enheten jobber systematisk med HMS.
Fylles ut og leveres lokalt. - Skatteattest (in Norwegian)
- Contact: staff.international@adm.ntnu.no if you have any questions.
Hiring of teaching- and student assistens
- Time-limited contracts
- Beregning av satser (only in Norwegian)
- Information to student assistens and others with time-limited contracts on monthly or hourly payment terms
Reception of a new employee
- Provide access to system (in Norwegian)
- Mentorprogram - for new employees
- Mentorprogram- for deg som er fadder (in Norwegian)
- Mentorprogram - for deg som er leder (in Norwegian)
- Present the new employee with a message (with picture) on the unit's message channel
Local rules
Det medisinske fakultet:
Recruit women
- Skill development stipend for female associate professors
- Mentoring programme for female researchers
Advertise positions in Jobbnorge
Maler for utlysningstekster, brukermanualer og veiledning i Jobbnorge (in Norwegian only)
Overview of vacancies at NTNU