
Employment contracts

On this page you can find employment contracts for technical and administrative staff, academic staff, and employed PhD candidates.

Norsk versjon - Arbeidsavtaler

All employees at NTNU sign an individual employment contract when they are appointed. The employee and employer must each have a copy. Signed employment contracts are filed in Elements and are available via human resources staff.

Summary page about employment | Pages tagged with employment

Standard employment contracts at NTNU

The employment contract holds information such as date of employment, the probationary period, working hours, salary, period of notice etc.

  • Technical-administrative positions
  • Academic positions
  • PhD candidates

Employment contracts are prepared by the HR staff and templates for the agreements are available in Elements.

Temporary appointments appear as an alternative in the agreements.

Changes in the employment contract

You are bound by your contract to accept changes in your work tasks and work location, in addition to any possible organizational changes – see Civil Service Act § 16 (1) (in Norwegian).

If the changes go beyond what an employment contract may regulate, the employer may, as an alternative to give notice of termination, choose to reassign the employee to a different, “equal position”, see Civil Service Act § 19 (2) (in Norwegian).

Regulations regarding employment changes, is to be described in the employment contract – see Working Environment Act § 14-8 (in Norwegian).

Preferential rights for part time employees

According to further regulations, part time employees are entitled to an expansion of their position, rather than the employer starting a recruitment process for a new position, provided that they are qualified for the position and that the use of such preferential rights are not of substantial disadvantage for the employer.

Contractor agreements

Workers can be associated with NTNU as employees, as contractors or as self-employed business people.

Contractor agreements for (In Norwegian) external contractors are available here.

Further information about (In Norwegian) employees - contractors - self-employed is available here.


Fieldwork is a mandatory work task performed outside the normal place of work, such as collecting material/data, measurements, taking samples, or excavations. Fieldwork is not work-related travel.

The special agreement for short-term appointments in connection with fieldwork at NTNU (In Norwegian) and special agreement for fieldwork for NTNU employees apply to fieldwork (In Norwegian)

Further information

References and legislation

Working Environment Act Section 14-6.

Temporary employment contracts - Civil Service Act [//Statsansatteloven//] Section 9-1


HR staff

Last edited 01.07.2019