
Time-limited contracts on monthly or hourly payment terms

Information on this page apply, for example to student assistants, teaching assistants, research assistants and old-age pensioners with pensioner terms.

Before you can work for NTNU, you must enter into a written contract. Hourly and monthly contracts are concluded via the digital solution for time-limited contracts.

Norsk: Midlertidig time- eller månedskontrakt

You sign the contract in the Self-Service Portal or DFØ app

When your contract is established by NTNU, you will receive an e-mail to your private e-mail address from DFØ, the supplier of the digital solution. You must then read through the contract and either confirm the details and sign the contract or reject it and explain why.

Once the contract has been signed, you will receive a new email from DFØ about how to log in to the Self-Service Portal or the DFØ app.

Do you experience technical problems when entering into a contract with NTNU?

If you do not receive a contract by e-mail or text message on mobile upon registration, please contact the Service Centre by phone or e-mail.

If you get an error message when signing the contract: There may be challenges when using a Mac/iPhone/iPad, especially with GoogleChrome. Try to use Windows together with Google chrome when signing, if you have that option available.

If you get an error message right after signing the contract, try again a few times. If it still doesn't work, reject the contract and write a note that you're getting an error message.

If it still doesn't work, contact the Service Center by phone or email.

Hourly paid employees must register hours in order to be paid wages

Guide: How to register working hours in the Self-service portal for hourly employees

  • Hourly employees must sign an hourly contract in order to register hours.
  • Hourly pay registers time via the tile "My contracts", not "Time".
  • In addition, hourly paid employees must remember to submit a timesheet. Timesheets must be submitted no later than 00.00 a.m. (midnight) on the last working day of the month in order to be paid the next month. Only one timesheet can be submitted per month per contract.

Employees who register remunerations on top of their working hours

If you as an hourly paid need a supplement, you must enter two different tiles in the Self-Service Portal:

  1. First, register your hours under "My contracts". Employment and contract | DFØ (
  2. Second, register your supplements via "Remunerations": Register a remuneration | DFØ (

You must enter each supplement ("wage type") as a separate line. Press "Add allowance" for each wage type. These are the names of the wage types in the Self-service portal. Note that the sum field is not updated for all types of wages, but it has no consequences for the payout.
2015 Overtime 50% (3.30 p.m.-8 p.m. Monday-Friday)
2020 Overtime 100% (8 p.m.-6 a.m. Monday-Friday, in weekends and holidays ("red days").
2035 weekend compensation 100 % mainly for shift workers.
2040 Morning and evening (Morning: 6-7 p.m. evenings: 5-8 p.m. Monday-Friday)
2045 Night (8 p.m.- 6 a.m.) all weekdays if the same time period is not compensated with overtime etc.
2065 Saturdays and Sundays

Payment date and deadlines

Salaries are paid on the 12th of each month. See dates and deadlines for salary payments (only available in Norwegian at the moment).

Tax deduction cards are obtained electronically from Skatteetaten

Remember to check that the tax rate or table card is correct on the


The payslip will be available in Altinn. You will also find your paycheck in the DFØ app and in the self-service portal.

Sick leave

If you become ill, inform your manager.

Doctor-certified sick leave

If you become ill before you have been employed for two months, you must submit a doctor-certified sick leave.

In case of sick leave from a doctor, you can send a timesheet to the Service Center via NTNU Help. In the form, you submit the hours that were previously set up in your work schedule and that you are prevented from working due to illness. If you have multiple hourly contracts, you must submit one form per contract.

The reason why you have to send the hours in this way is that the Self-Service Portal / App blocks the possibility to register time sheets when you are on sick leave.

Self-declared illness

When you have been employed for two months, you can use self-certification. You then notify your manager. You can register hours for the days you are sick, if the working hours were agreed in advance with your manager.

Holiday and holiday pay

You accrue holiday pay which is paid out in June or when you leave your job. Go to Holiday pay

Do not register a holiday in the self-service portal

If you have an aspirant position, e.g. student assistant or learning assistant, and monthly contract you will automatically receive a holiday quota in the Self-service portal, and automatic notifications to send a holiday application within a deadline. Ignore these notifications. As a student assistant, learning assistant and other aspirant positions, you must not register holidays in the self-service portal. If you have already submitted such an application and had it approved, you can delete it.

Hourly wages do not receive a holiday quota in the self-service portal, and you are not supposed to register a holiday in the self-service portal.


If you have an hourly contract or you are a student assistant with a monthly contract, you should not use the termination form in the Self Service Portal if you wish to terminate your position. Instead, let your manager know. Your unit must then notify the Service Center via the NTNU Help form hourly, month and assignment contract.

Duties and rights

Persons employed on hourly or monthly contracts receive sick pay, holiday pay and pension premiums from Statens pensjonskasse.

Read more about


If you need help with signing contract, using the Self-service portal, registering time or have any questions about salary, you may contact the Service center.

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