
Time-limited contracts

Everyone who is going to work for NTNU must have a contract before they can start. This page describes the routine for signing time-limited hourly, monthly and assignment contracts. 

Norsk: Tilsetting og arbeidskontrakt

Which positions should have a contract described on this page?

Student assistants, teaching assistants, research assistants, pensioner with pensioner terms, examination shift (not pensioner terms), external examiner, assessment of doctoral thesis, among others student mentor. The list is not complete. 

See detailed routines (in Norwegian) for ordering a contract (including procedures for censorship, public defence and urgent assignments)

1. <strong>Request contract</strong> (done by the person in need of a temporary employee)

Form: Order temporary hourly wage, monthly and work assignment contracts

The form can be submitted by e.g. professor, project manager or others who need an employee within the category described above. To fill out the form, you must have the following information about the person you want to hire or give assignments:

  • Name, phone number, e-mail
  • Start- and end-date for the contract
  • Selects type of contract if f you already know now whether it should be an hourly, monthly or assignment contract.

The steps described below must be followed in order for the employee or contractor to receive a salary/fee at the right time:

2. <strong>Order contract</strong>: (done by employee with the role of "behovshaver kontrakt")

All units have qualified employees with the role of "need holder contract". Here comes the form that was sent in step 1.  However, you may start the whole process here without the request form. You who are the need holder contract must consider what type of contract you should order. You then collect the necessary information. Hourly, monthly and work assignment contracts must be ordered and created in the Self-Service Portal or DFØ app provided by The Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management(DFØ). 

Log in to The Self-service portal( or download the DFØ app (

3. <strong>Create contract </strong>(done by the Service center)

NTNU has centralised the contract creation function. There is the Service center who is responsible for that part of the process and who has the role «caseworker contract». Caseworker contract in the Service centre creating and processing the contract The Self-service portal (

4. <strong>Approve contract</strong> (done by manager)

A manager or others with budget allocation authority (BDM) must approve the contract. You agree to the contract in The Self-service portal (dfo).
Guide: Approve contract (

5. <strong>Sign contract</strong> (done by the person who is hired / take the assignment)

You will receive your hourly, monthly or assignment contract by e-mail from The Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management (DFØ). 

Assignement contractors abroad will receive an e-mail from NTNU a few days before the contract arrives. In the e-mail you will be notified that the contract is on its way, how to log in and sign your contract and contact information to support at NTNU's Service center. 

You need to sign the contract in order to get neccessary accesses, receive your salary/fee etc. 

What to do when you receive the contract

Do you experience any technical problems with your contracts?

If you do not receive a contract by e-mail or SMS never arrives at your mobile when registering, contact the Service Center by phone or e-mail.

Technical problems when signing the corntracts: 

  • Information to foreign assignment contractors (you will receive this information by e-mail from NTNU)
  • Try to clear browsing data or use private window/incognito mode in your browser. 
  • There may be challenges when using mac/iPhone/iPad, especially with GoogleChrome.  Windows combined with Google chrome is the best option for signing the contract, if you have the opportunity to do so. 
  • Access to the Self Service Portal (for travel expense claims, time registration, payslips etc) is valid from the start date in the contract.
  • If you still have problems signing the contract, contact the Service Center by phone or email. 

6. <strong>Follow up on contract and timesheet</strong>  (done by caseworker contract in the service center)

In cooperation with the person who ordered the contract (need-holder contract), the coordinator of the contract in the service center follows up the contract further and makes any changes.

7. <strong>Disburse contract</strong>  (done by the caseworker contract in the service center)

In order for hourly wages and assignment fees to be paid, the service centre must approve this in the self-service portal. They will then notify the employee/contractor, if something is wrong and explain what is corrected. 

When are salaries/fees paid?

  • Hourly contract: The employee keeps hours continuously and is paid salary based on deadlines for submission, approval and disbursement.
  • MPnthly contract: The employee will be paid salary on the 12th of the month following the start date of the contract.
  • Assignment contract: The day after the end date of the contract, the settlement is sent for approval and on to payment.

The payslip can be found in the Self-service portal or Altinn. Foreign contractors without a Norwegian address or national identity number will have this automatically sent by DFØ by post.


General IT access: It is different for a contractor and employee what accesses/accounts are included when a TOA contract is signed.

Those who have an hourly or monthly contract become employees at NTNU and receive the same rights and access as permanent employees. They will be instructed by the Oracle Service to activate their user account which gives them the email address, feide ID and access to the file area T: for the device they are associated with. They also get MIcrosoft 365 employee license.

Expept from sensors, contractors don't get general IT access. If there is a need for IT access to contractors, they can be registered in the Guest Service. 

Self-service portal/DFØ app accesses: Anyone can log in to the self-service portal/DFØ app after the start date from the contract, but have different "tiles" they see.  A contractor gets access to the contract, paycheck, as well as the opportunity to register an expense reimbursement, travel or allowance (Betalmeg). An employee is also given the opportunity to keep his or her hours.


If you have questions about time-limited contracts, contact the Service center

NTNU Hjelp

Intended for: Employees Topic (Global): Administration Your employment