
Råd og utval ved HF

Councils and committees at the Faculty of Humanities - HF

Here you can find a summary of management forums, governing bodies and councils at the Faculty of Humanities (HF), and how you can provide input to them.

See also:

Councils and committees at NTNU

Key documents HF

HF’s page on participation

Participation and co-determination, about what participation and co-determination are – how you can stay informed and contribute actively to develop both yourself and the organization.

Faculty management

The Dean is the Faculty’s chief executive and has overarching responsibility for the academic and administrative activities. The Dean is part of the Rector’s management group and is appointed by the Board of NTNU for a fixed term of four years at a time for up to two terms of office. The Dean designates the Vice-Deans.

The Faculty management is the Dean’s working committee for management and operation of the Faculty, and meets every week. The Dean, Vice-Deans, head of administration and heads of sections participate.

Faculty Board

The Faculty Board is HF’s highest governing body, which makes decisions in matters of principle and of an overarching nature. The board is responsible for the activities at the Faculty.

Appointments committee for academic positions

The appointments committee for teaching and research posts undertakes appointments to permanent academic positions

Appointments board for technical and administrative positions

The appointments board for technical and administrative positions deals with appointments and matters relating to technical and administration personnel.


LOSAM is the local works council at the Faculty of Humanities, consisting of representatives of the employer, safety representatives and local union representatives from the trade unions at NTNU. The Basic Agreement for the Civil Service for NTNU states that co-determination is to take place through local works councils.

Heads of Department meeting

The Heads of Departments meeting is an advisory body for the Dean at the Faculty of Humanities, consisting of the heads of the seven departments at the Faculty, the Dean, the Vice-Dean of Research, the Vice-Dean of Education and the student representatives for the Faculty. In addition, the Head of Administration at HF takes part. Heads of sections take part where necessary.

Administrative management forum

Heads of sections and heads of office at HF meet monthly with the Head of Administration in the administrative management forum to discuss relevant matters, share good administrative practice and be a driving force for development of relevant and effective administrative support functions at the Faculty.

Education committee

The education committee at HF is an advisory body to the Dean in processes and major issues that apply to the Faculty’s educational provision. It consists of the Vice-Dean of Education, heads of studies at each department and the Head of the Student and Academic Section at the Faculty.

Research and development committee

The R&D committee is an advisory body to the Dean in the work to achieve the strategic development goals in research, art, innovation, dissemination and outreach. It consists of the Vice-Dean of Research (chair), the Vice-Dean of Arts and Innovation, a representative from each department, a representative for temporary research positions and a postdoc representative.

Programme councils

The programme councils for the various programmes of study and PhD programmes at HF serve as advisory bodies consisting of academic employees, students and possibly external representatives. They usually meet one or twice during the semester.

Student Council HF

Student Council HF

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Målgruppe: Medarbeidere Tema: Administrativt