Working conditions for employees - Kunnskapsbasen
Working conditions for employees
This page provides an overview of documents that applies to NTNU employees, such as laws, legal agreements and regulations.
Norsk versjon: Arbeidsvilkår for ansatte
Central documents
Laws and legal agreements
- Basic agreement for the civil service (in Norwegian)
- Basic Collective Agreement (in Norwegian)
- Act on Retirement Age of Civil Servants (in Norwegian)
- Act relating to work environment, working hours and employment protection, etc. (Working Environment Act)
- Act relating to procedure in cases concerning the public administration (Public Administration Act)
- Regulations for Public Administration Act) (In Norwegian)
- Act relating to Holidays
- National insurance act (In Norwegian)
- Copyright on intellectual and creative work (In Norwegian)
- Act relating to the right of access to documents held by public authorities and public undertakings (Freedom of Information Act)
- Act concerning public employees (In Norwegian)
- Regulations for Act concerning public employees (In Norwegian)
- Act relating to Universities and University Colleges (In Norwegian)
- Regulations concerning appointments to teaching and research posts (In Norwegian)
- Regulations concerning tenure track appointments (In Norwegian)
- Regulations concerning appointment conditions for positions as Postdoctoral Fellow, PhD Candidate, Research Assistant and Spesialist Registrar (In Norwegian)
- Regulations concerning PhD Candidates` required duties and appointment conditions at NTNU (In Norwegian)
- Civil Service Handbook (In Norwegian)
- Confidentiality declaration (pdf)
- Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund
Local documents and guidelines
- Working hours
- Code of ethics for employees at NTNU
- Flexible work hours
- Inclusive workplace (IA-agreement) (In Norwegian)
- Institutional pay policy for NTNU (In Norwegian)
- NTNU`s strategy
- NTNUs Management regulations
- NTNUs ICT-regulations
- Management regulations
- Human recourses policy for NTNU
- Intellectual property rights (IPR)
- Regulations regarding second jobs
- Local Adaption Agreement for the civil service (In Norwegian)
Special agreement
- NTNUs special agreement for field research within Norway (pdf) (In Norwegian)
- NTNUs special agreement regarding field research abroad (pdf) (In Norwegian)
- NTNUs special agreement concerning short term appointments during fieldwork (pdf) (In Norwegian)
- NTNUs special agreement regarding remuneration for work at projects with external financing (pdf) (In Norwegian)
- NTNUs special agreement regarding additional remuneration for vice deans, deputy managers, leaders for subject groups and study program mangers (pdf) (in Norwegian)