Management regulations - Kunnskapsbasen
Management regulations
The management regulations describe NTNU’s organizational structure, governance and management. Provisions regarding councils, boards, steering groups and committees centrally and in faculties and departments.
Approved by NTNUs Board on 2 December 2021.
The English version may differ from the authoritative version, which is in Norwegian. If so, the authoritative version is to be consulted.
Norwegian version - Styringsreglement
The complete version of the management regulations can be found above in a pdf version. Below we have reproduced the purpose of the regulations.
Purpose of the regulations
The purpose of the management regulations for NTNU is to describe the university’s organizational structure and distribution of tasks.
The overarching framework for NTNU’s operations is the Act concerning universities and university colleges of 1 April 2005 (“Universities and University Colleges Act”, abbreviated to uhl.) and the main instructions (Hovedinstruks) from the Ministry of Education and Research on financial management at state universities and university colleges, approved on 10 July 2014.
For clarity, key parts of texts in the Act and the instructions are incorporated in the regulations. In addition to the Management Regulations, the Board has approved the delegation of authority and powers to the Rector of NTNU (Part I of the regulations on delegation for NTNU).
It is the Board’s responsibility to approve amendments to NTNU’s management regulations. The Rector is authorized to undertake technical revision and update of the management regulations as needed. If there is any doubt about whether an amendment is technical or material in nature, the amendment to the management regulations must always be submitted to the Board.