
Time codes in the Self-service portal

In the Self-Service Portal, we currently have a long list of options for those who register time. Here is an explanation of what to choose for different purposes.

Norsk: Tidkodene i Selvbetjeningsportalen

Relaterte sider: Working hours | Register working hours | Flexible working hours | Overtime

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Go to DFØ's pages for general guide on how to register working hours in the Self-service portal.

Register attendance

  • Attendance 001: When you start and end your working day.

This is the most common attendance code used by everyone who has flextime and fixed working hours. The code is not available for hourly paid employees, they register hours via "My contracts".

There are several codes that count as present-time. NTNU has no common policy for their use. Check with your immediate superior if you want to register the following:

  • Home office 033: Counts as attendance but indicates that you work at home.
  • External meeting 032: Counts as attendance, but indicates that you are on a meeting outside the office.
  • External course/training 034: Counts as attendance, but marks that you are on a course.
  • Employee benefits 031: Counts as attendance but is used when working elsewhere that is not covered by other codes in this list.

Go to working hours and flexible working hours for more information about working hours policy.

Register short absences

There are some short-term absences that counts as attendance and are not deducted as absence:

  • Exercise during work hrs 035: counts as attendance, but marks that you use training during working hours. See the rules for training during working hours.
  • Breastfeeding paid leave 091: If you are technically or administratively employed, you register breastfeeding leave every day in the Self-Service Portal. Use the type "Breastfeeding leave w/ salary 091" for the time you have off. Register the time you are at work as attendance (001). Academic staff do not register breastfeeding leave in the Self-service portal, but agree this with their manager.
  • Doctor/dentist etc. 002: Appointments with a doctor, dentist and the like are not normally considered absences if we only talk about a few hours once in a while. For long-term regular treatment by a doctor, psychologist, family therapist, physiotherapist, chiropractor, etc., you apply for compassionate leave.
  • Sick part of day 004: If you are away every once in a while, due to illness, you can use this code. The absence will then count as attendance and does not affect your flextime balance. Let your manager know you're away, but don't send self-declared illness form in the Self-service portal. Sick leave must be counted from the first full day of absence. Note that flextime is frozen on days you register 'Sick part of day', i.e. you cannot earn or discontinue flextime on days where you have a registration for sick part of day.

Register time off

According to Statens personalhåndbok, all time off must be agreed in advance. If you are going to take time off for a full working day or more, you must submit an absence application for your manager's approval. If you are going to take a few hours, you can either send an absence application or take time off in the time registration in the Self-Service Portal. Go to flexible working hours for more information.

  • Time off flex part of day 921»: If you are not going to take time off for a whole day, use this code. The time you are at work, you register as attendance 001. When you take time off, the time is deducted from your flextime balance and flexitime quota.
  • Compensatory time off 920: Use this when applying to take time off in your flexitime balance. You can take up to 24 full days or 180 hours off in a calendar year, provided you have accumulated enough plus time.
  • Trav/overt off part of da 930»: Use this if you need to take time off for hours accumulated through overtime or travel time. These can be time off hour by hour in addition to time off accumulated through flextime. You can find your own balance for these in the Self-Service Portal, if you have accumulated anything here. Read more about the rules for overtime and travel time.

Register holidays

Register absence due to illness, sick child and compassionate leave

  • Self-certification 120: Use this type of absence from the first full day of absence and up to eight calendar days at a time, if you are ill. You will find an overview of your self-certification days in the quota overview. You must have been employed at NTNU for two months to use this type of absence. For hourly paid employees, separate routines for self-certification apply. Go to Absence due to illness for more information.
  • Sick child 470: Use this if you have sick children 0-12 years or the person who looks after your child is ill. Keep in mind that you must register your child in your Self-Service Portal profile to use this type of absence. The quota for sick children will be updated the day after you update your profile. Go to Sick Child for more information.
  • Sick child extra days 942: If you have two children or more, you can use this type of absence if you have used up the entire sick child quota mentioned above.
  • Paid compassionate leave 510: Use this if you have important welfare and care reasons. You also use this for children's transition to daycare or after-school (SFO) facilities, or the first day of school. Go to Compassionate leave for more information.
  • Also: Leave during pregnancy and Allowance for care of close relatives

All overtime must be agreed with the manager in advance. Overtime can either be compensated with payment or time off with an overtime supplement.

  • Paid overtime 011: When using this code, time outside normal working hours ((weekdays 8 a.m. – 15 p.m. /3.45 p.m.) is calculated as overtime for payment. Working hours between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m., Monday-Friday are compensated with a 50 percent supplement. Other working hours are compensated with a 100 per cent supplement. Saturday/Sunday surcharges are calculated on Saturday and Sunday.
  • Overtime w time off 013: When you use this code, the time outside normal working hours will be transferred to your own time account for overtime. This time can be time off in addition to time off accumulated through flextime. You will not be paid for the hour itself, but you will receive the supplement: 50 percent between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. and 100 percent for other working hours. Saturday/Sunday surcharges are calculated on Saturday and Sunday.
  • Attend abroad < 8 h time off 02UA: Work beyond 8 hours is compensated with hours of time off and supplement of 50% to payment. Use of the code on Saturday off, Sunday etc. is compensated with hours of time off and a 50% supplement to payout.

Register travel time

Domestic travel

  • Trav. Time inland paid 021: If you are to be compensated with hourly pay, use this code. This applies to travel time, including waiting, outside normal working hours. Travel time on Saturday, Sunday etc. is compensated by hourly wages and 50% allowances. Read more about travel time.
  • Trav. Time inland time off 023: If you are to be compensated with time off, use this code. Travel time outside standard time will then be transferred to the travel time account, and the hours can be time off. That's in addition to other flextime. There is no additional payment.

International travel

  • Trav.time abroad paid out 026U: When you choose this, salary is calculated on hours registered outside normal working hours (weekdays 08.00 – 15.00/15.45).
  • Trav. time abroad time off 028U: When you select this, hours are moved to the time account for travel time, and the hours can be time off. That's in addition to other flextime. There is no additional payment.
  • Trav.t. course ab. time off 029: Time beyond normal working hours is transferred to the time accounts for travel time. You can take time off these hours in addition to time off accumulated with flextime. Travel time on Saturday, Sunday etc. is credited to the balance travel time / overtime with hours for time off. There is no additional payment.
  • Bus.trip course ab. paid out 027: Time beyond normal working hours (weekdays 08.00 – 15.00/15.45) is compensated by hourly wages.

Project hour P001

Go to Register working hours - Knowledge base - NTNU

Obl. rest af. Night shifts 071

"The attendance code has been established to ensure registration of mandatory rest periods defined in section 10-8 of the Working Environment Act. Registering time with the code for mandatory rest periods helps to fill up the normal working day and is considered working hours. Registration with the code outside normal working hours will not provide flextime. Overtime imposed after rest periods are compensated by overtime pay for work outside the normal working day. Volunteering (Present) outside the normal working day is flextime.

Example of driving when the normal working day is 8 a.m. - 3.30 p.m.

  • Mandatory rest period 08.00-12.00
  • Present 12.00-16.30
  • This gives 1 hour of flextime for 15.30-16.30.
  • A full day must be worked before overtime can be worked up. Overtime can begin from 7:30 p.m.