
Allowance for care of close relatives

This page provides information on how you can apply for a nursing or attendance allowance when you care for close relatives.

Norsk versjon - Pleiepenger

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As a parent or close family member, you can receive an allowance known as a nursing allowance or attendance allowance (pleiepenger) if you care for a sick child.

You can also receive this allowance if you care for a close relative in the last stage of life. The allowance is intended to compensate for lost income from employment.

Allowance for care of a sick child

You must generally have been working for the past four weeks before the attendance allowance begins. In principle, you are not entitled to the attendance allowance if the child has a long-term illness.

The illness is regarded as long-term when it is highly likely to last for two to three years or more. But if the long-term illness is life-threatening or very serious, you may still be entitled to an attendance allowance in the initial stage of the illness or in unstable phases.

You can receive an attendance allowance for looking after a sick child for the period that the child needs continuous attention and nursing, and the other conditions for the allowance are met.

Attendance allowance for end-of-life care

You can receive care benefits, also called an attendance allowance (pleiepenger) for nursing a close relative in the last stage of life for up to 60 days for each person you nurse. You do not have to take all the days consecutively.

The days can also be shared between several people. This applies whether the care takes place in your own home or in the home of the person who needs care.

How to apply

  1. You apply for care allowance through NAV.
  2. After you have applied to NAV, you must register the allowance in the Self-Service Portal.

1. Apply for care allowance through NAV

NAV adopt the resolution about care allowance and the employee presents this to the employer. The employee receives normal salary during the period and the employer receives a refund from NAV.

2. Register in the Self-service portal

After you have applied for care benefits from NAV, you must register it with NTNU. You can do this in the self-service portal, under the tile "Employment status" and "request for leave".

Read this before you start filling in your application

April 2024: The layout of the application in the Self-service portal was recently updates. Unfortunately it is only available in Norwegian at the moment. This is how you fill inn the form:

  1. Formål: "Purpose" - give short description of the purpose of your request.
  2. Velg dato: Choose dates. Write the same dates as you stated in the application to NAV.
  3. Velg permisjon: Choose type of leave. Select "omsorg" and tick what you are applying for: 460 – pleiepenger barn or 462 – pleiepenger nærstående. State whether there should be 100 per cent absence (tick for yes) or part-time (tick for no and indicate the attendance time as a percentage).
  4. Beskriv permisjon: Type "send income report". That is a message to NTNU's the Service Center to process your application further.
  5. Vedlegg: Since it takes time to get the decision from NAV, you upload your application to NAV.
  • Press "Gå til innsending"

What happens next?

Once you have submitted your application, it goes through the Service Center and to your leader.

You will subsequently receive a decision from NAV on your care allowance application. If there are discrepancies between the application and Nav's final decision, please contact the Service Centre (link to contact info below).

References and more information (In Norwegian)

Also see

Contact information

Do you have questions or need help? Contact the Service center