
Care for close family members

You are entitled to unpaid leave for up to 10 days to take care of close family members who need nursing or care. Close family members are your parents, spouse, cohabitant or registered partner.

Norsk versjon - Omsorg for nære pårørende

Topic page about leave | Pages labelled with leave

Apply for leave of absence

knapp Open the Self-service portal

Guide: Requests for leave of absence (

Typical situations are where the person who needs care cannot manage by themselves and needs to be accompanied to a doctor / dentist, specialist or hospital for acute illness or for tests. Everyday activities such as housework and shopping are excluded.

Under the Working Environment Act, there is no statutory right to salary for this type of leave. However, the Basic Collective Agreement allows for leave to care for close relatives in some cases when it can be granted as compassionate leave.

The same rights apply to next of kin for children with disabilities or chronic illness after they have turned 18.

References and legislation

Contact information

Do you have questions or need help? Contact the Service center.

3822 Visninger
Målgruppe: Medarbeidere Tema: Permisjon
hr leave care