
Holiday leave - FAQ

This page contains answers to frequently asked questions about holiday leave and vacation time. The topic page on holiday leave/vacation contains useful information that can help you plan and apply for holiday leave.

Topic page holiday leave/vacation

Norsk versjon - Ferie - spørsmål og svar

Register and change holidays

See the tutorials on that show how to register and change holidays in the Self-service portal. Your request goes directly to your manager in the Self Service Portal.

Each employee must register their own vacation days within the deadlines:

  • May 1st is the deadline for registering the main holiday.
  • November 15th is the deadline for registering any remaining holiday.

How many days of holiday leave do I have?

You will find an overview in the Self-Service Portal in the tile "time" and "absence quota overview".

  • Paid holiday: If you work full-time and have accrued full holiday at NTNU from the previous year, you will receive 25 days in this quota at the beginning of a new calendar year. The remaining balance decreases as your supervisor approves your absence requests with the absence type "paid holiday 210."
  • Unpaid holiday: You have this quota if you did not earn full quota in the previous year. This may be the case, for example, if you started your job during the current year or the previous year. In this case, you have the right, but not the obligation, to take unpaid holiday. The remaining balance decreases as your supervisor approves your absence requests with the absence type "unpaid holiday 220."
  • If you were employed after the 30th of September, you have a right to take 1 week of holidays the year you started working.
  • The year you turn 60 you have the right to an extra week of vacation. Go to the senior section for more information.

As long as the workload allows it, employees at NTNU also have time off work on certain public holidays.

Part-time employees

Technical administrative employee who registers working hours in the Self-Service Portal

You will be allocated the number of holidays depending on how many days you work per week.

  • If you have a reduced position but work shorter days every day of the week, you will be allocated 25 holidays.
  • If you have a permanent reduced position and do not work every day (and this is your registered work plan in the Self-service portal), you will be allocated fewer holidays. For example, if you work in a 60 percent position with work three days a week (as a plan in the Self-service portal), you will be allocated 15 days of holiday leave.

Register your holiday leave in full weeks. If you're both working and taking holiday leave during the same week, contact the Service Center for support. We will make sure that you register your holiday leave correctly.

If you are on partial leave, see separate section.

Part-time employees who do not register working hours in the Self-Service Portal, such as academic staff

You will be allocated 25 days of holiday leave per year (30 from the year you turn 60).

It is important that you register the entire quota of holiday leave during the year (see deadlines). Register your holidays in the self-service portal as whole weeks in the period you actually have holiday. If you have several employers, please read the section below about additional position.

If you need to register individual days, contact the Service Center.

If you reduce your position

If you reduce your position permanently from a full-time position and the holiday pay does not cover your regular pay during your holiday, you must apply for holiday without pay (this means that salary will be deducted for the days your holiday pay does not cover). If the holiday pay is larger than your salary during your holiday, the difference will be paid out to you. Note that this does not apply to employees on full or partial leave who have changed their leave/attendance rate.

Employed in an additional position

If you are an employee in an additional position ("bistilling"/"tilleggsstilling"), you will be allocated a full holiday quota (25/30 days). As a general rule, you must take holiday at NTNU for the same weeks as you take your regular holiday with your main employer, unless you are going to work for NTNU during the time you take holiday from your main employer.

Employees on partial leave

You have the same quota as you would have without leave, and holiday is registered according to the guidelines for part-time employees who do not register working hours in the Self-Service Portal, see the section above. This also applies to you who register working hours in the Self-Service Portal, including you who have received a work schedule adapted to your leave.

Please note that holiday registrations for employees on partial leave are checked by the Service Centre for Payroll and HR retrospectively. Holidays that are registered incorrectly will be corrected.

Senior - 60 and older

Starting from the year you turn 60, you are entitled to additional holidays. This quota is five days per calendar year if you work full-time and have accrued holidays from the previous year. Note that this week of holiday will be taxed like a normal work week.

You register these days off as "paid holiday" in The Self-service portal. The remaining balance decreases as your supervisor approves your absence requests with the absence type "paid holiday 210."

The year you turn 62 you also have the right to 8 days of leave with pay (also called senior days) if you work full-time and have accrued holidays. If you resign or retire during the year, this quota will be reduced. You cannot carry your senior days to a new calendar year.

You register these days in the Self-service portal as "time off senior 512". The remaining balance decreases as your supervisor approves your absence requests.

More information on the page senior days.

How many days of holiday leave are paid?

How many of your holidays that are paid, depends only on how much saved holiday pay you have from last year. Holidays are always paid by the employee, either with saved holiday pay from the previous year or by direct deduction of salary in the month you take holiday.

Please note that employees who have taken unpaid leave last year or who for other reasons have not had full accrual of holiday pay may have the number of paid vacation days reduced. The same applies if you increase percentage of your position, so that last year's holiday pay is not sufficient to pay for full holiday the following year.

Go to Holiday pay for more information.

When can I take my holiday?

Everybody can demand 3 weeks of continuous holiday in the period between 1. June-30. September, but your closest leader determines the exact dates. Two of these weeks can be taken as whole weeks.

Holidays that you have a right to end can be with or without pay, depending on how much holiday pay you earned last year.

Do I have to take holiday?

Employees at NTNU have the right, and are also obligated, to take holiday with pay, maximally 25 work days (30 work days if older than 60 years). The obligation applies regardless of the basis for holiday has been earned at NTNU or with another employer during the preceding calendar year.

It also applies in cases where holiday pay has been earned with another employer and already paid out.

Please note that employees who have taken unpaid leave last year or who for other reasons have not had full accrual of holiday pay may have the number of paid holidays reduced. The same applies if you increase your position or salary, so that last year's holiday pay is not sufficient to pay for full holiday the following year.

What applies to academic staff?

Scientific employees have the same right and obligation to holiday as other employees. You must take all paid holidays and register it in the Self-Service Portal.

How do I transfer holiday leave?

The main rule is that the holiday must be taken in the year to which it belongs. If this is not possible, you may enter into a written agreement with your leader (by Nov 15) to transfer up to 10 + 4 holidays to the next calendar year. See the tutorials on that show how to transfer holidays in the Self-service portal. This application goes through the Service center for Payroll and HR before it is received by your manager.

You are also entitled to up to 10 holidays in advance of the main holiday. This presupposes that holiday pay has been earned for the 10 holidays. You apply via the form Apply for advance on holiday leave in NTNU Hjelp.

What do I do if the transfer of holidays is incorrect?

. If you notice such errors, contact the Service Centre for Payroll and HR.

How do I apply for an advance on holiday leave?

You can find more information about how to apply for an advance on your holiday leave on the holiday leave topic page.

You can take up to 10 vacation days in advance. That requires that you have earned holiday pay at the time of the holiday. Please note that this year's quota of both paid and unpaid vacation days must be registered before the application for advance vacation is considered.

Application for advance holiday in NTNU Hjelp.

If you get sick before or during your holiday leave

Go to Illness during holiday leave

What happens with holiday leave if I am on parental leave?

You can combine holiday leave with parental leave. You may also choose not to take holiday leave during your parental leave.

Apply for holidays in The Self-service portal and add it to your application for parental benefits that you send to NAV (more on parental leave). Remember that you have to clear your use of holiday/vacation days with your immediate supervisor.

Newly employed

If you are employed by NTNU at any time between 1 January–30 September, you have the right to take a full holiday leave (25 days) without pay, if you have not used this leave with your previous employer. If your employment begins after 30 September, you have the right to one week of holiday leave without pay.These days without pay are normally taken out of your salary during the month that you actually take the days off.

If you are a new employee in this calendar year (and thus without the right to paid holiday leave) you will be paid your normal salary on 12 June instead of holiday pay (since you have no holiday pay). That also means you will pay taxes on your salary as usual.

If you were newly employed at some time last year, the number of holiday/vacation days you are eligible for will depend on when you were hired.

However, regardless of how many holiday days you have earned, you still have the right to take the full number of holiday/vacation days (25 days), but if you have not earned 25 paid holiday days, you can take holiday days without pay to bring your total number of days off to 25 (paid plus unpaid leave).

You don't need to take holiday leave without pay unless you want to. You can simply take your paid holiday/vacation days.

Holiday in connection with military service

If you are called up for service in the Norwegian Armed Forces, the Norwegian Home Guard or the Norwegian Civil Defence you are entitled to holidays outside of the period of service. During compulsory military service, your employer can add your holidays for one year to the period of service.

Employees who are paid by the hour

Employees paid by the hour do not have a holiday quota and are not paid wages for the days they take holiday.

Resignation and holidays

If you are dismissed from your job, your employer cannot add your holiday to your notice of termination period, unless this period is three months long or longer.

If you yourself resign, you must come to an agreement with your supervisor as to when you will take your holiday leave.

The final settlement is paid the month after the closing date. The final settlement includes holiday pay earned from last year and the current year. Employees who leave after the holiday settlement in June will be paid holidays they are owed.

If you quit before the holiday settlement in June, you have not been charged for this year's holidays yet, and there will therefore be no holidays to pay. The exception is if you have transferred holidays from the previous year. If you take holiday before June, then these days will be deducted on the final settlement.

If you leave after the holiday settlement in June, holidays due will be paid on the final settlement. It is important that you have actually registered the holidays that have been completed in the Self Service Portal. Failure to register may result in incorrect payment on the final settlement.

Contact information

  • Your closest leader when it comes to questions regarding timing of holiday leave, the possibility of advanced holiday leave, and transfering of holidays into the next year.
  • Contact The service center regarding questions about law.

Relevant pages

Topic page holiday, The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority

In Norwegian:

Translator's note

Remember that holiday and vacation mean two different things in American English, while being equivalent words in American and British English.

Thus, while someone who uses British English would take holiday leave, or go on holiday, an American English speaker would take vacation days - or go on vacation. The word "holiday" in American English means a legal day off for nearly every worker, such as New Year's Day or Independence Day (4 July in the US, 17 May in Norway).

Redigert 17.04.18

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