
Travel expense claim

(Videresendt fra Accounting for travel expenses)

Employees at NTNU submit travel expense claims through the Self-Service Portal or the DFØ app. If you are not an employee at NTNU, you submit your travel expense claim via Betalmeg.

Norsk Reiseregning

Related pages: Travel | Betalmeg for non-employees | Reimbursements personal expenses

Go directly to

Payment, how to register claim, what happens after you submit claim, pre-approval, more guides, contact, FAQ

Payment dates

Submit your travel expense claim as soon as possible after you return home. Check submission deadlines and payment dates in the payroll schedule.

How to register a travel expense claim

knapp Log in to the Self-service portal  or download the DFØ app 

If you are not an employee at NTNU, you need a Betalmeg account to log in and submit your claim. Contractors automatically receive a Betalmeg account from the start date of their signed contract.

Travel expense claim step by step

Create claim

When you are logged in, click Register travel expense claim and + Create new. If you have previously submitted a travel application for the trip you are submitting an expense claim for, instead, retrieve your travel application from the form overview and select convert to travel expense claim.

screenshot showing the page travel where you select register travel expense claim


Type of trip: Make sure that you select the correct type of trip

Country/region: If necessary, add additional travel destinations by selecting Add new destination. Note that you must always do this if you had different types of accommodation during the trip. This also applies if you stayed in multiple countries during the trip.

Cost allocation: When filling out the travel expense claim, the cost will automatically follow your employment. If the cost should be allocated to a specific project or a different cost center than your usual one, you need to provide additional information. In that case, select the cost distribution custom/other.

How to change cost allocation

screenshot indicating where you choose type of trips



You may be entitled to travel allowances (financial compensation) depending on your employment status, the type of trip, and whether it is international or not. If you are unsure about what you are entitled to, contact your manager.

Meal/subsistence allowance: Compensation for meals. It is mainly regular/temporary employees on business trips who are entitled to this. Contact your supervisor/contact person if you are unsure about what you are entitled to.

To register, click on Select meal allowance. Check the box next to any meals that have been covered/provided during your trip. For example, if breakfast was included in the hotel price.

screenshot showing the box you tick for meal allowances

Substance allowance and started day: A started day is any hours beyond a full 24-hour period. When you check that you are entitled to a subsistence allowance and you have a part-day exceeding 12 hours, you will have the following options:

  • Select Started day w/o rest, if you did not stay overnight during the part-day.
  • Select Started day w/ rest if the part-day on the travel expense report exceeds 12 hours and you had an overnight stay during that part-day.

An overnight stay means you were off duty and had the opportunity to rest.

Night supplement (applies only to domestic trips): You may be entitled to a night supplement if there are no accommodation costs associated with your business trip. This could apply, for example, if you stayed overnight privately with family or friends. Night supplement is not provided if you stayed in your own/spouse's/partner's home/apartment/cabin, or if a sleeping compartment/cabin is included in the ticket.

If you are entitled to a night suuplement, check the box for Select night supplement and mark the days you are eligible for the supplement.

screenshot of the box you tick for night supplement

Kilometre allowance: If you have used your own vehicle, you can register it by selecting Add new mileage. It's important to select the correct type of vehicle to ensure the kilometre allowance is accurate.

If you also claim passenger allowance, you must enter the full name of the passenger. If you had passengers for parts of the journey, you need to register multiple distances so that the passenger is recorded for the correct segments. To qualify for passenger allowance, the passenger must be associated with the purpose of the trip.

screenshot of box for kiolometre allowance

Compensation supplement: This is an additional allowance you can receive for trips abroad as compensation for traveling outside Norway. It is calculated automatically based on the number of hours spent abroad. If you have registered destinations both in Norway and abroad, and your stay in Norway lasts more than 12 hours, you must consider to select «Jeg har ikke hatt oppdrag i Norge på vei til eller fra utenlandsoppholdet» (I have had no assigments i Norway on my way to or from my stay abroad») to ensure the correct calculation of the compensation supplement.

Compensation supplement is primarily available to regular/temporary employees who have been on a business trip abroad. If you are, for example, a PhD candidate/postdoctoral fellow or external staff, you need to clarify with your immediate manager whether you are eligible for this supplement.


To create an expense item, click Add new expense post. Select the expense type in the Type field and fill in the other fields for the expense item: currency, amount, description, and cost allocation. Remember that documentation is required as well.

csreenshot of step 3 expenses

Foreign currency: In the currency field, you can specify that the expense was paid in a foreign currency. The system retrieves daily exchange rates and uses the rate from the date of the trip.

Transactions from credit card: If you have used a credit card that is registered in your personal information, you can click on the credit card icon on the right to directly import transactions from the credit card into the travel expense report.

Remember to verify that the proposed expense type is correct. If the expense type is incorrect, you can change it to a more appropriate one. If your employer is only covering a portion of the expense, you can also adjust the amount, but only to a lower value.

Expenses paid by your employer: If your employer has covered expenses during your travel, select a category that ends with "...paid by company". For example, for hotel expenses, you would choose the expense type Hotel paid by company.

To attach a document directly to the expense item: Upload the attachment by clicking on Add attachment(s) at the bottom. You can also attach documents in step four. Finish by clicking OK and proceed to the next step.

screenshot expenses indicating the credit card icon


Here you can attach documents. You will also see any attachments that you registered under expenses. screenshot of step 4 attachements

Documentation requirements

Your expenses must be documented with receipts that clearly show:

  • Basis for payment = what the expense is for, AND
  • Payment confirmation = that the expense has been paid

A purchase order confirmation only satisfies the first requirement. A bank statement, card terminal receipt, etc., only satisfies the second requirement. An approved receipt satisfies both requirements. When these are not available, the cost can be documented with a combination of two receipts that fulfill each requirement.

All receipts must be legible. If the receipt is in a language other than English and Norwegian/Swedish/Danish, include a description of the basis for payment.

Keep the original documents until the reimbursement is paid, in case there are any uncertainties.


Comment: Here you can add any message to the approver/manager. If there is information that is important to include in the travel expense report, such as if you have incurred expenses on behalf of others or if others have covered expenses for you, you can write this in the comment field.screenshot of comments-button and add new button in the left corner

Submit travel expense claim

Click Go to submission page to review the travel expense claim and submit it. Review the expense claim and verify everything is correct. If you need to make any corrections, click Edit.

Click Submit to send the travel expense claim for approval. You will now see a consent declaration that you must consider. If you agree, click Submit.

screenshot showing what the page looks like when the claims has been submitted

What happens to the expense report after you have submitted it?

 You will receive confirmation that the travel expense claim has been sent for approval to your manager. If the expense claim has errors or is incomplete, it will be returned to your inbox in the self-service portal. The travel expense claim will now appear in the overview under Register travel expense with the status "Submitted".

Where in the process is your expense claim?

Go to Register travel expense claim in the Self-service portal. In the left hand pane you can find travel expense claims that have been sent, approved, paid, returned or saved as drafts.

  • Draft: You have started filling out your claim, but the form is not sent yet.
  • Sent: Your claim is sent and is waiting for approval.
  • Approved: Your claim is approved and will be paid out. Travel expense claims is paid out on dates of payment "travel expenses and reimbursements" in the payments schedule.
  • Returned: Your claim is rejected and returned to your for correction.
  • Paid: The travel expense claim has been paid out.


In the Self-Service Portal it is possible to send an application for travel. NTNU has not introduced a requirement to use prior approval of travel. However, there may be local guidelines for this where you work.

When you submit a travel request in the Self-service portal, it goes directly to your leader (cost approver).

Travel guidelines



Do you have questions or need help? Contact the Service center.

Frequently asked questions

How do I change cost allocation?

To change cost allocation, go to the 1st part of the travel expense claim and select custom/other. Here, you can change cost center and sub-project number. The sub-project number can be edited under Work order (K7). If you only have one cost allocation, leave the percentage as 100%. If you want multiple cost allocations, click + add new post allocation and adjust the percentage accordingly.

It is also possible to change the cost allocation for specific expenses. Scroll down to the expense itself and click on it. Then click Custom/other and make changes as described above. NOTE! Here you can choose percentage or amount. It's important that if the entire expense should be allocated to a project, you select percentage and leave it at 100% under share.

Which expense category am I supposed to use?

The expense category you should choose depends on the type of expense you have incurred, but the most common ones are "Flight", "Hotel", "Public Transportation", "Course Fee", "Rental car» "Taxi", and "Refund other Expenses".

Be aware that if you choose an expense category ending with "... paid by company", it means the cost has already been covered and therefore no reimbursement will be created.

Should I have meal/subsistence allowance and/or compensation supplement?

Mainly permanent employees are entitled to meal allowance and compensation supplement. If you are not a permanent employee but unsure whether you are eligible for this, contact your manager/contact person.

I'm missing a receipt, what should I do?

The documentation must clearly show:

  • Basis for payment = what the expense is for
  • Payment confirmation = that the expense has actually been paid If you are missing a receipt and want the reimbursement to be paid tax-free, you must upload an alternative form of documentation such as a booking confirmation and bank transaction or similar. Without any form of documentation, you should delete the travel expense claim or contact the service centerfor payroll and HR to clarify if it can be reimbursed. Exceptions may be made in countries where receipts are rarely issued; contact the service center to clarify this.

Which type of trip should I choose?

The rate should reflect how you stayed overnight during the trip. The most common rates are "Day trip", "Holiday/Private stay", "Dorm/flat/Private w kitchen", or "Drm. w/o kitch, Board h.Barrac".

Avoid using the rate "Field agreement". Only a few should use "commuter...", "expedition", and other rates.

Where do i find the "flown" receipt? 

To document that the trip has been completed, you can either upload your boarding pass or upload the latest version of the flight receipt. For receipts from Berg-Hansen, you can find it by going to, navigating to "previous trips", and downloading the latest version generated after the journey has been completed. Norwegian and Widerøe also provide a "travelled" receipt.

I have stayed overnight in multiple countries during the trip/stayed at different accommodations, how do I register this? 

On page 1 of the form, you can choose "add new destination". Here, you fill out the information the same way as for the first travel destination/accommodation. You select From and To times corresponding to the dates and times you were at the different locations.

How can I view my travel slip?

You can get a full overview of your travel receipt by opening the travel slip. On computer: You do this by clicking on the 4 vertical dots at the bottom right of the page and then "view payslip". Download to see the full page. On mobile: You do this by tapping on the 3 vertical dots at the top of the page when you open the travel expense report/refund, and then "show payslip".


Child Pages (2)

  • Accommodation and meals in your travel expense claim

    When filling out your travel expense report, it's important to select the correct type of accommodation. Where you stay determines whether and how much tax is deducted from the allowance for meals....

  • How to change cost allocation

    How to change cost allocation (PDF) This document will soon be converted to text instead of PDF. Norwegian Hvordan endre kostnadsfordeling