
Reimbursement of personal expenses

This form should be used for minor personal expenses, like books, computer cables or food for a meeting, only if you cannot use NTNU's purchase request form.

Norsk: Refusjon av personlige utlegg

Send your reimbursement claim

Instructions: Register your reimbursement claim (

You submit your claims through the Self-service portal or DFØ app.

 Log in to the Self-Service portal

Open the tab Travel and "Register expense reimbursements"

The form should not be used for travel expenses.

When you submit your form, it goes through the Service Center and to your manager who approves costs.

Reimbursement for non-employees

If you are not employed at NTNU, but need to cover expenses, you use the Betalmeg solution.

Documentation requirements

Your expenses must be documented with attachments that clearly show:

  1. basis of payment = what the expense is for, AND
  2. payment confirmation = that the expense has actually been paid

An order confirmation meets only the first requirement, while a bank statement, bank terminal statement, etc. only meets the second requirement. An approved receipt meets both requirements. When this is not available, the cost can be documented with a combination of two vouchers that each meet its own requirements.

All receipts must be readable. For receipts in other languages (other than English and Norwegian/Swedish/Danish), a description of the payment basis must be enclosed and confirmation that the voucher shows payment confirmation.

Keep the original documents until payment of the refund in case of any ambiguity.

Note that from 2023 costs are registered differently

When you fill out an reimbursement form in the Self-Service Portal/DFØ app, the cost will automatically follow your employment. If the cost is to be entered on a specific project or a department other than the one associated with your employment, you must provide additional information.

Project: To put the expense on a specific project, you must type in the field that is named Work Order (K7). Here you need to fill in "delprosjekt" (replacing the previous "analyse"). In the Self-service portal in your browser, you find this field in the Reimbursement form's step 1 Purpose "Cost allocation". The field is searchable. By typing either the name of the subproject or the first digits, you get a list of selectable subprojects. In the app, go to Expenses in the Expense reimbursement form and press "Cost allocation".

If the cost is not going to a specific project, you do not need to make changes to the field "Work order (K7)", the value "Generelle driftskostnader" (default value) should be in the field.

Cost centre "koststed": If the cost is going to a department other than the one associated with your employment, you can write in the "Cost centre" field. The field can be found in the same location as "Work Order (K7)", described above. Find your "koststed" (in Norwegian).

Ask your local controller if you need the number for an internal project or your prosjektøkonom, if you need the number for an external project. If you don't know who your local controller/prosjektøkonomi is, ask your nearest supervisor.


Refunds are paid several times per month. See payout dates.

Where in the process is your reimbursement?

Go to "Register reimbursement" in the Self-service portal. In the left hand pane you can find your forms that are sent, approved, paid, returned or saved as drafts.

  • Draft: You have started filling out your form, but it is not yet sent.
  • Sent: Your form is sent and is waiting for approval.
  • Approved: Your form is approved and will be paid out. Reimbursements are paid out on dates of payment "travel expenses and reimbursements" in the payments schedule.
  • Returned: Your form is rejected and returned to your for correction.
  • Paid: The reimbursement has been paid out.

The following can be refunded by agreement with your manager:

  • Newspaper (only after signed elkom agreement).
  • Broadband (only after entering into an elkom agreement).
  • Use of telephone in a work context (only after entering into an elkom agreement).
  • Books that cannot be ordered via the needs form.
  • Courses and conference fees.
  • Subscription.
  • Other orders that cannot go through the booking system.
  • For an elaboration of other orders, please contact your local purchaser.

Help and contact

Do you have questions or need help? Contact the Service center

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