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KASPER - Create reference group

This wiki describes how you as a course coordinator [emneansvarlig] can create a reference group in KASPER, how to manage the reference group members in the Microsoft Team after creation. You may also watch our Panopto-video on the same topic (norwegian with english subtitles).

Norsk versjon - KASPER - Opprette referansegrupper

Please note that a survey of all students taking a course must be performed at minimum every third year the course is held to ensure that an accurate representation of the student body is obtained. You can read more about this on the theme page on course evaluation and development

Should you wish to use a different form of student participation for your course, check out the wiki on how to register an alternative form of evaluation.

Note: When you have created the reference group through KASPER, you cannot change to another form of student evaluation.

All KASPER Resources | Reference Groups Tool for Students|

Getting started - Creating the reference group

  1. Log in to KASPER by clicking the link below.

    Log in
    This will redirect you to a page that lists all the courses you are the coordinator for. This is the equivalent of starting from the front page in KASPER and clicking "Emneevaluering" -> "Starte studentevaluering".
    Image shows the tile "Starte studentevaluering" highlighted in red.
  2. Here you will see a list of the courses you are coordinating. The courses are sorted in columns based on their start semester (1). For every course this table informs you of the alternative student assessment (2) or a regular reference group (3) has been established, in addition to a report status (4). Click the course you wish to establish a reference group for.
    Image shows the list of courses, with arrows indicating 1) the semester tabs the course are sorted into, 2) the column showing if an alternative form of evaluation has been registerered, 3) the column that shows if a reference group has been created, and 3) the column that shows the progress of the reference group report.
  3. A pop-up window will appear to the right of the screen. In this window, there is a drop-down menu from which you choose "Referansegruppe" [Reference Group].
    Image showing you how to choose reference group from drop-down menu
  4. Then you add members to the group (1) and select the language in which the report is to be written (2). When you have finished, click "Opprett referansegruppe" [Create reference group] (3). When adding students to the group, you either search by name or by NTNU email address. NTNU email addresses have the following format: You do not have to add yourself to the group.
    Image shows how to create the reference group, with arrows indicating 1) Where to add members, 2) where to choose language, and 3) where to click "opprette referansegruppe" (create reference group)
  5. When your team has been created, all members will be notified via email. The team will be available in your Teams app, with yourself listed as the owner. The team will automatically be named using the following template: "REFGRP-COURSECODE_YEAR_SEMESTER".
    Image shows how the reference group appears in Microsoft team, with an arrow indicating how it will appear near the bottom of the list.

An alternative way of locating the group in Teams is to follow the link in KASPER, by clicking the course as explained above, and following the "Åpne i Teams" [open in Teams] link that now appears in the side menu, above the list of membrs.

Image shows the "Åpne i Teams" (open in teams) button, hightlighted in blue just above the "medlemmer" (members) section of the creation menu.

Add/remove reference group members

If you need to edit group membership after it has been set up in Teams, you may do so through the "Prosesstøtte" tab. Click "Rediger medlemmer" [Edit members] (1). A menu will pop up on the righthand side of the window, where you may search for people (2) and select "Legg til" [Add member] (3). To remove an existing member, click their name and select "Fjern" [Remove member] (4).

Image shows the process of administering the members of the reference group, with arrows indicating 1) where to click the "rediger medlemmer" button, 2) where to search for new members to add, 3) where to click "legg til", and 4) where to click "fjern" to remove members.

See also
