
Current exam information - for employees

On this page you will find current and updated information about exams at NTNU for spring 2024. The page will be kept up to date with information relevant for both academic and administrative staff.

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Norsk versjon - Aktuell informasjon om eksamen - for ansatte

Topic page about administration of exams (in Norwegian) | Topic page about exam for the teachers (in Norwegian) | Pages tagged with exam

 Log in to Inspera Assessment

Unable to log in? See this user guide.

Distribution of responsibility department/joint administration

For more information about creating, quality assurance of, and activating tests, see the article Opprette prøve i Inspera Assessment (in Norwegian only).

Home exams

  • All home exams are managed entirely by the departments themselves.
  • The Education Division/the IT department are responsible for technical support during the exams, both for students and employees, as well as inquiries regarding delayed submission.

Cover page templates have been created to use for the exams. Please note that the cover page templates are updated regularly. Always use the version available on Innsida.

Written school exams

The Education Division (ED) manages written school exams. Nevertheless, the departments are responsible for ensuring that all tests and question sets have been quality-assured, according to current guidelines.

Mid-term exams

If you wish to arrange mid-term exams on campus, or home exams with a duration of up to and including six hours outside of the main exam period, that are managed by the ED and the IT Department, we request that this is reported using this form. This to ensure that staff and technical support is available at the requested date/time.

Hand drawings or calculations

Home exams

Home exams which include hand drawings and/or calculations are possible. In these exams, the students themselves are responsible for digitizing their answers. User guides and information directed at the students are available here.

NB! Remember that the question set must include at least one upload assignment for the students to be able to submit hand drawings. 30 minutes are added to the examination time for file uploads on short-term home exams (duration of up to and including 6 hours).

Written school exams

For written school exams, hand drawings are handled using InsperaScan. Note that there is a separate test template where this setting is activated. If you wish to use InsperaScan, contact your department administration.

The Education Division oversees the scanning process, and this does not require any upload assignment questions. User guides and information directed at the students are available here.

Third-party software

Use of third-party software should be cleared with the IT Department. This applies to both written school exams and home exams. This way we can ensure that all students have access to the software/service - and that technical support services is prepared. This also applies to web services such as Git, Lovdata, GIS, Chemdraw and other services where the program or resource is running as a website. See Exam with software for information and registration of requirements.

Note! Remember that the question set must include at least one upload assignment for the students to be able to upload files.

External digital resources and websites

Home exams

For home exams, the students have access to all available support material, including all available online resources. Keep in mind that an external online resource may become unavailable during the exam, that the content may change, and that content may be subject to licensing agreements or other restrictions. Use links to external resources carefully. We recommend that content critical for the execution of a home exam, is uploaded to Inspera as a part of the question set. The IT Department and the Education Division can not guarantee the accessibility of external digital resources. If you want advice, direct your enquiry to

Written school exams

Written digital school exams are held using Safe Exam Browser (SEB), which disables all other websites than Inspera. The question set, including any PDF resources, must not contain links to external websites. URL as a resource must not be used without an agreement with the ED/IT department.

Additional time for uploading/submission

Applies to home exams with an ordinary duration of up to and including 6 hours: Utdanningsutvalget has decided that all home exams containing at least one upload assignment should be given 30 minutes additional time. The additional time is reserved for submission, and shall not be counted in the examination time given on the cover page. Information regarding additional time is presented in a separate paragraph on the cover page template. The ED assumes that all candidates who experience technical problems during submission contact technical support before the examination time ends.

Applies to written school exam with file upload: For exams containing at least one upload assignment, 15 minutes additional time are given. The additional time is reserved for submission, and is not included in the examination time given on the cover page. Information regarding additional time is presented in a separate paragraph on the cover page template.

How to inform the students about what?

The Education Division will provide all students with general information about exams before the examination period starts. Still, the department/course coordinator must make sure to provide the candidates with relevant information for each exam. This must be done well in advance of the exam, no later than a week before the exam date. All information to the students must be given in Blackboard and via e-mail. This ensures that the information reaches everyone, including candidates without access to Blackboard. The information should:

  • Urge students to take the course "Ready for the exam", and get to know the information available on the topic page about exams.
  • Urge students to take a demo test If you wish to create a demo test that is more relevant for your course, contact Such a test can be made available to the students via a URL for a limited period of time.
  • Brief the students about plagiarism/cheating.
  • State any demands for citations.
  • Give the students an indication about the design of the question set.
    • If the question set contains one or more upload assignments, the students should get acquainted with how to remove personal information from the file they will submit.
    • If the question set contains several upload assignments, the students should be encouraged to upload their files continuously during the test.
    • If the candidates are expected to submit .zip files, this should be made clear beforehand, so they can get to know how this is done.
    • If the students should submit hand drawings, this should be made clear well in advance, so the students can make sure they have the necessary equipment and skills. User guides for students are available for both home exams and school exams.
  • A good tip can be to publish the cover page in Blackboard prior to the exam. The cover page contains useful information which the students should acquaint themselves with, but that they don't pay enough attention to on the exam day.

Errors in the question set - how to notify the candidates?

  • If you discover an error in your question set after you have shared it with the planner (administrative staff), but before the exam has started:
    1. Correct the error.
    2. Contact the planner/administrative staff at your department and ask for the test to be updated with the latest version.
  • It is not possible to make changes to a question set which is connected to an ongoing test. If you discover an error in your question set after the exam has started, follow this procedure:
    • Written school exams and home exams with ordinary duration up to and including 6 hours:
      1. The teacher contacts the IT Department/ED (tel.: 73 59 66 01) as soon as possible. Have a written formulation ready for what you wish to convey to the candidates.
      2. If the error is severe enough to hinder fair and proper assessment of the candidates' performance, the IT Department/Examinations office will assist in sending a notification to the candidates in Inspera Assessment. To make sure all candidates receive the notification, all candidates will also receive an SMS saying they have a new notification in Inspera.
      3. The teacher will, together with the ED, assess the need for any additional time.
    • Home exams with ordinary duration of more than 6 hours:
      1. The teacher contacts the department administration as soon as possible. Have a written formulation ready for what you wish to convey to the candidates.
      2. The department administration sends e-mail notifications to the candidates from FS, using the routine FS214.001.
      3. The teacher will, together with the department administration, assess the need for any additional time.

Good quality assurance of the question set in advance avoids such situations.

User guides and learning resources

E-learning courses and videos

E-learning courses and videos aimed at both academic and administrative staff are available at Eksamen og vurdering - kurs og opplæring for ansatte (in Norwegian only.

Relevant user guides for academic staff

Create question set in Inspera Assessment
Cover page template for examinations
Grading in Inspera Assessment
Exam with software
Presence of teaching staff during exams
Explanations of grades and appeals in Inspera Assessment - for academic staff

Relevant user guides for administrative staff (in Norwegian only)

Opprette prøve i Inspera Assessment - Here you can find information on creating and quality assuring tests.
Prøvemaler i Inspera Assessment - Here you can find information on the different test templates in Inspera Assessment.
Sensurprosessen i Inspera Assessment - Here you can find information about the grading process, as seen from an administrative view.
Begrunnelse og klage for administrativt ansatte - Here you can find information about digital handling of explanations and appeals.



General enquiries: 73 59 66 00

Immediate assistance with an ongoing exam: 73 59 66 01

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Målgruppe: Medarbeidere Tema: Eksamen