
Grading in Inspera Assessment

NTNU uses the exam system Inspera Assessment. This site contains information about how you award marks and grades in the exam system.

Norsk versjon: Sensurere i Inspera Assessment

Topic page Plan, administrate and evaluate teaching | Pages labelled exam | The grading process in Inspera Assessment - for administrative staff (Norwegian only)

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About the marking tool in Inspera Assessment

As a grader, you have access to the Grade module in Inspera Assessment. Inspera has over the last few years developed a brand new marking tool, called Marking 2.0. However, the classic marking tool is still available. This means that, depending on which tool is activated for the test you will grade, you will see two completely different user interfaces in Inspera.

User interface in the classic marking tool

If Marking 2.0 is not activated in a test, the user interface will look like this:

You, as a grader, can not yourself activate Marking 2.0 for a test. If you wish to do so, contact the administration. Activation can be done at any point, also after the marking has begun.

User interface in Marking 2.0

When Marking 2.0 is activated in a test, the user interface will look like this:

If you wish to return to the classic marking tool, you can easily do so by clicking the arrow symbol in the upper right corner, as shown below.

Do you wish to revert to the new marking tool? Click "Open in Marking 2.0" in the upper right corner.

Requirements for marking

Access to Inspera Assessment - for external graders

In order to grade in Inspera Assessment, you are required to have an active NTNU user, as well as the user role Grader in Inspera Assessment.

You will receive access to the IT systems at NTNU via a access agreement. This is done the first time you are hired as a grader, or again if it has been a while since your last grading assignment at NTNU. To get access you must:

  • Fill out the access agreement, which the you will receive from the department responsible for the grading assignment.
  • Be able to use ID-porten to log in to Inspera Assessment. If you are unable or unwilling to use ID-porten, you must activate your NTNU user. Graders without a Norwegian ID number are required to activate their NTNU user.

Access to submissions | Workflow for committees

To get access to the submissions you are going to grade, you must be assigne to a committee. A committee is a group of graders who together will grade one or more submissions. It is the department administration's responsibility to assign you to the correct committee, and assign candidates to the committee.

A test which is to be graded in Inspera Assessment can have different workflows, depending on the graders' preferences and the nature of the test. It is particularly important to be aware of the settings Private marking and results alignment versus Shared marking.

  • Private marking and results alignment: Each submission is marked and graded by each grader in the committee. Marks and grades are individual/private until they are aligned during shared/final marking. If there are conflicting grades, these conflicts must be resolved during shared marking. Graders are unable to confirm the grades until all conflicting grades are resolved.
  • Shared marking: The grading process commences directly in shared marking. Each submission or question is marked by only one grader in the committee. Marks and grades are shared between the graders. This setting is recommended if the graders in a committee are going to mark separate questions in a submission (e.g. Grader A marks question 1-3, Grader B marks question 4-6). Note that all marks and grades can be overwritten by all graders in the committee.

The workflow setting also differentiate between graders confirming the grades collectively or by candidate, and if one or all graders are required to confirm shared marking.

Defining the workflow settings is an administrative responsibility; contact the department administration if you wish to change the settings.

Preparatory information about grading at NTNU

The following information could be relevant for your assignment as grader. You can get supplementary information from the department responsible for the grading assignment.

  • Overview of courses and course descriptions
  • Description of grading scale
  • Grading scale using percentage points is an instructive grading scale primarily used by technology courses
  • A mark scheme or suggested solution must be prepared in connection with grading. This must be available to the grader(s) before the grading starts, and to the students when the grades have been published. The mark scheme should as a general rule be made available via Inspera. As a teacher/grader you can find/add the mark scheme in the Grading module in Inspera.

    In the classic marking tool, you find/add the mark scheme under "Details", as shown below:


    In Marking 2.0, you find/add the mark scheme under "Options", as shown below:




The grading process in Inspera Assessment

In this section you will find links to user guides which cover everything you need to know to grade in Inspera Assessment. The user guides are a mix of videos and text. The videos in this article are drawn from the e-learning course "Grading in Inspera Assessment", which can be viewed in its entirety by clicking the button below. Note that the e-learning course shows the user interface in Marking 2.0.

Grading in Inspera Assessment

Mark and grade submissions - incl. VIDEO

The table below is an overview of some of the functions available in Inspera Assessment, and links to the user guides for the old marking tool and Marking 2.0 respectively.

Functionality Classic marking tool Marking 2.0
User interface User guide User guide
Grade candidates User guide User guide - one grader
User guide - multiple graders
Grading in Excel User guide User guide
Grade using marks - threshold values User guide User guide
Edit threshold values User guide User guide
Overwrite automatic marks User guide User guide
Change question weight after a test has been completed Not possible User guide
Correct answer key for multiple choice questions (single answer) after a test has been completed Not possible User guide
Comments and annotations on submissions User guide User guide
Mark scheme User guide User guide
Private notes User guide User guide
Bands and criteria (requires activation in question set) User guide User guide
InsperaScan User guide User guide
Download and print submissions User guide User guide

Grading in Marking 2.0 - videos

By clicking this link you will find a video showing how to find the test you are going to grade.

By clicking this link you will find a video showing how to mark and grade your submissions.

Share and confirm grading - incl. VIDEO

WHen you have marked and graded all your candidates, you must confirm the grading. How this is done depends on whether the committee consists of one or more graders, and the selected workflow. The table below shows the necessary steps in each case.

Classic marking tool
Marking 2.0
Workflow|Number of graders One grader Multiple graders One grader Multiple graders
Private marking
  1. Confirm your grades
  2. Complete final grading
  1. Confirm your grades
  2. Align grades with your co-grader(s)
  3. Complete final grading
  1. Confirm your grades
  1. Share your grades with your co-grader(s)
  2. Align grades with your co-grader(s)
  3. Confirm shared marking
Shared marking
  1. Complete final grading
  1. Complete final grading*
  1. Confirm grading
  1. Confirm grading*

*Be aware if the workflow settings require only that one or all graders in the committee confirms final grading. If only one grader are required to confirm, it is important that all graders are allowed to contribute before the grading is confirmed.

Sharing and confirming grading in Marking 2.0 - VIDEO

By clicking this link you will find a video showing how to share and confirm grading in Marking 2.0.

Registering grades in tests without submissions - VIDEO

Inspera must be used to register grades for assessments not held in Inspera. This is done in a so-called Grade registration test. This applies to e.g. oral or practical exams, analogue exams, or portfolio assessments with a single grade. In a grade registration test you will see all registered candidates, but only the candidates who have attended/submitted should receive a grade. Remaining candidates must not receive a grade.

This video shows how to register grades in a test without submissions in the classic marking tool.

This video shows how to register grades in a test without submissions in Marking 2.0.

Register grades using Excel

Many graders prefer importing grades from Excel for grade registration tests, rather than entering the grades directly in Inspera, as shown in the videos above. This is often used for courses with several parts of assessment, where the calculation of the final grade is done outside of Inspera.

When importing grades from Excel, please note:

  • Alphabetical grades (A-F) must be written in capital letters, and pass/not pass must be written as Pass/NotPass.
  • Grades from the Excel file will overwrite any grades registered directly in Inspera.
  • You can upload new Excel files whenever you like. New uploads will overwrite previous uploads.
  • Empty cells in the grade column in Excel will not overwrite grades already registered in Inspera. If you wish to remove grades, you must do so in Inspera Assessment.
  • After importing a grade from Excel, you can change it by clicking another grade.
  • Remember to confirm the grading when you have completed the grading.

Grading Bachelor's theses, Master's theses and other assignments - VIDEO

The steps in the grading process for Bachelor's theses, Master's theses and other assignments are identical to the steps described above. However, many graders for extensive assignments will prefer to download the submissions from Inspera. We have created a video showing how to do this as easy as possible, avoiding unnecessary obstacles when grading submissions consisting of solely uploaded files.

This video shows how to grade Bachelor's theses, Master's theses and other assignments in Inspera Assessment.

Because of functionality and user friendliness, we recommend using Marking 2.0 when grading Bachelor's and Master's theses.

Other useful links

Below you will find a list of links to other relevant user guides


If you have questions or need help regarding your grading assignment, you can contact:

  • Orakel support services - Can answer questions regarding your user account/log in.
  • Examinations office - Can answer question regarding Inspera.
  • Department - Can answer questions regarding candidates, committees, deadlines, compensation, and other formalities.