
Create a user account

If you are a new employee, guest or student at NTNU, you must activate your NTNU user account to access our IT systems. Follow our guide to activate your user account.

Norsk versjon - Aktiver brukerkonto

Before you can activate your account


If you are a new student, you need to register for the semester and pay the semester fee before you can activate your user account. The payment must be registered in our systems before you can activate the account. You will ercieve an e-mail from us when your account is ready.


You will receive an e-mail from us when your user account is ready to be activated.

Activate your user account with ID-porten

 Activate user account

You can activate your user account by logging in using ID-porten (a Norwegian electronic ID). You will have to create a strong, secure and personal password.

Activate user account without ID-porten

Students and employees without access to ID-porten (a Norwegian electronic ID) can activate their user account here:

 Activate user account without ID-porten

You will need to log in with your username and email address. The username is the one you received in an email. You will have to create a strong, secure and personal password.

After activation, it will take up to 24 hours before your user account is ready. After this, you will be able to log in.

More information


Orakeltjenesten can help if you have questions or if you encounter difficulties.