

Spesific information regarding health, safety and environment (HSE) at Department of Electronic Systems (IES)

Norsk versjon - HMS ved IES

Where can you find HSE-information?

NTNU's central HSE-portal:

Report HSE deviations and improvement proposals:

Report deviations or accidents

Reports ofdeviations should not contain personally identifiable information, but we need to keep a low threshold for notifying deviations. This is important for us to be able to quickly correct errors and shortcomings.

Deviations reported in NTNU's electronic reporting system goes to the HSE coordinator with a copy to the department head and will be forwarded to the faculty board if it is not handled and closed at the department level within a set time.

HSE document library in file directory T:

Department of Electronic Systems (IES):T:\ie\ies\teknisk\laboratorier

Access to the file directories may be restricted to employees or subgroups of employees. Additionally, HSE-file folders containing paper versions of documents should be stored in all laboratories.

Crisis and emergency preparedness

Emergency telephone numbers: Emergency

Emergency services contingency plan and emergency notification plan(IE): Beredskap ved IE

NTNU has a guard service with staffing around the clock. They have an overview of all contingency plans and should be called upon during all emergency circumstances, for instance in case of fires, terrorist attacks, burglaries, earthquakes, work related accidents and so forth. NTNU's contingency plans must be put to work as soon as possible under such circumstances, and all employees should therefore store the emergency notification telephone number on their mobile phone: 800 80 388.

For other less severe incidents, like the loss of one's own personal access card, elevator failure, water leaks or similar, you may contact the regular service telephone number: 918 97 373. This is a common service number for all NTNU buildings around the clock.

Evacuation of people with reduced mobility in «Elektrobyggene»

Simple stretchers can be found at all main entrances to "elektrobyggene» and outside the old "info corner" in room A162. People with reduced mobility and a regular activity in the premises of the department of electronic systems are encouraged to contact the HSE coordinator for facilitation with a view to safe and good evacuation in the event of an emergency. Contact information HSE coordinator: Sverre Pettersen

HSE roles at the Department of Electronic Systems

Safety representatives

The safety representatives looks after the employees' interests in matters concerning the working environment and participate as the employees' representatives in many contexts. The employees elect safety representatives every two years. Safety representatives at IE, IES and the rest of NTNU

Area managers

For increased preparedness in the event of a fire or other major incidents, area managers have been appointed who will help to evacuate employees, visitors and students out of their areas during emergencies. The area managers will wear an orange waistcoat and report potential problems to the caretakers of the building and emergency personnel during evacuation.

Area managers at IE

HSE training

A general understanding and training in NTNUs HSE rules are compulsory for both staff and students at IES and IE. Everyone who is to work in a laboratory at IES must be registered with the laboratory manager, and must have received training in local routines, use of equipment and relevant HSE topics for that laboratory.

Some laboratories have their own checklist for the content of training needed before personal access to the facilities is given. For laboratories with particular risks there is a list with the name of trained users on the inside of the entrance door to the laboratory, and only these users are allowed to work independently in the laboratory. This applies for example to laboratories using class 4 lasers, the chemistry- and the MBE-laboratories.

Trained laboratory users are expected to assist emergency personnel as much as possible during and after crises that takes place in their laboratories. Some laboratories are installed with specially made emergency plans hanging on the entrance doors.


All new students at IE completes a safety course for students (HMS0002), which includes practical training in firefighting and life-saving first aid techniques with and without the use of defibrillators.

First year students who will attend practical laboratory classes at the department's laboratories in Høgskoleringen 3 is given an HSE-lecture of 1-2 hours addressing relevant risk topics. For master students necessary HSE training will be given as needed individually or in smaller groups.


There are several relevant HSE courses for employees that are given both periodically and for special circumstances. Employees must usually register for these courses through NTNU's online course catalogue. Worth mentioning is the first aid courses which are relevant to all employees, and which should be repeated every 5 years. There are also specially adapted HSE training programs for safety representatives and managers, and courses in risk assessments and psychosocial work.

Additionally, several courses are required as a "bare minimum" to be allowed to perform special work tasks at IES. For instance, all users of radiation sources should register and participate in an introductory course in radiation protection which updates you on laws and regulations for use of radiation sources in Norway, as well as basic radiation protection theory. Users of lasers class 3B or 4 must also participate in a special "laser user course" given by the central HSE department. Similar courses are mandatory for users of x-ray sources, radioactive sources and other possible types of ionizing sources.

Employees who are to handle gas cylinders or make changes to systems with gas under pressure must first have attended a course called «safe handling of gas». These courses are only given by certified companies, like Nippon or Linde, and only at irregular intervals, so in case you need this course, please inform the HSE-coordinator. All work with electrical systems and circuits above 50 V is regulated by «Forskrift om sikkerhet ved arbeid i og drift av elektriske anlegg» (FSE), and a safety course based upon this regulation is mandatory every year if you perform this type of work.

There are also specially adopted courses for «hot-work» like soldering, brazing, welding, grinding and so forth, for disposal of hazardous waste, for work with chemicals in laboratories and workshops, for work with very dangerous chemicals like hydrofluoric acid (HF). This is not meant to be a complete list of available or necessary courses -- all employees must familiarize themselves with the requirements that apply to the position they hold. Please contact the HSE coordinator if you need assistance.

Courses and competence development. Search the: Catalogue of courses

Coordination agreement

When the Department of Electronic Systems shares premises with SINTEF or others, the HSE responsibility must be agreed and documented in a coordination agreement.

HSE work and routines at IES


Procurement of chemicals must be carried out by the person responsible for safe use of chemicals at the department. Activities where chemicals are to be used must be risk assessed and approved by the HSE coordinator. Contact: Sverre Pettersen. Chemicals may also be ordered by Tron Arne Nilsen (particularly for the MBE-lab) or Ingulf Helland (particularly for the prototypelab/studentlab).

NTNU's substance register is an electronic archive of safety data sheets and information on hazardous chemicals and other hazardous substances like pressurized gases and biological material. The substance register is divided into locations corresponding to NTNU's physical structure with buildings, laboratories and workshops. All the departments' chemicals must be registered with a standard European HSE datasheet in the substance register, and a paper copy should also be available locally in the laboratory/workshop. When purchasing new chemicals, the HSE sheets should be added to substance register at the location where the chemical is intended to be used. Substance register (EcoOnline)

Some chemicals are subject to restrictions through various regulations. For instance, students and short-term employees are not allowedto work alone with, or to have access to these chemicals:

Chemical Concentration
Hydrogen peroxide - 12 weight percent
Nitromethane - 30 weight percent
Nitric acid - 3 weight percent
Potassium chlorate - 40 weight percent
Potassium perchlorate - 40 weight percent
Sodium chlorate - 40 weight percent
Sodium perchlorate - 40 weight percent
Ammonium nitrate - 16 weight percent

Other restricted chemicals where our consumption must be reported to the government are: Hexamine, Sulphuric acid, Acetone, Potassium nitrate, Sodium nitrate, Calcium nitrate, Calcium ammonium nitrate, Magnesium nitrate hexahydrate, Aluminum-, Magnesium- and Magnalium powder. Additionally, special regulations apply for the purchase and use of ethanol.

Some hazardous chemicals can only be used after special training, and not when you work alone. Most relevant for IES is the use of Hydrofluoric acid, which is not allowed without training at Nanolab, and with the assistance of a co-worker, or "buddy".

Exposure Index

Those who work with, or may have been exposed to, carcinogens, mutagens, ionizing radiation, lead or lead containing compounds, asbestos, nano particles et cetera, must enter their work or exposure in NTNU's Exposure index. The information in this register is confidential and only accessible by the user himself, or the government in case of a work-related accident or injury. Thus all information in this register must be put in by the users themselves, and should contain information about the protective measures used, what sort of work and techniques was used, the duration of the work or exposure and the possible exposure concentrations or amounts. Contact: Sverre Pettersen or Arve Johansen


Gas cylinders must be ordered by the gas coordinator. Everyone who is to handle gases and gas cylinders must have certified competence for this kind of work. Contact the gas coordinator if you need a gas course or a new gas cylinder: Sverre Pettersen

Use and purchase of radiation sources

All purchases and all use of radiation sources must be discussed and clarified with the local radiation protection officer in advance. The radiation sources must be registered both in the local register for radiation sources at NTNU, and in the centralized register kept by the Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (DSA).

It is not permitted to purchase radiation sources that requires a «notification number» in the DSA-register prior to receiving such a notification number from DSA. Most specifically, we must apply to DSA and receive a notification number and a go-ahead from DSA before we can purchase any lasers of class 4, x-ray sources, radioactive sources, electron microscopes, electron guns, or similar equipment.

The department has a general allowance from DSA for use of lasers (all classes), x-ray sources, electron microscopes and similar, but no allowance for the use of nuclear radioactive sources. In case of a need for such radioactive sources, IES must write an application to the DSA and receive an allowance prior to any purchase or use of such sources. DSA may cancel all our allowances if we do not follow their regulations.

There is a requirement for special training in the use of all types of radiation sources. Contacts: Sverre Pettersen or Tron Arne Nilsen

Documentation in the laboratory

Room card

All laboratories and workshops are to have room cards hanging on their entrance doors. Room cards must first and foremost provide important information to emergency personnel (for instance the fire brigade).

In addition to the paper copies on the doors, the room cards are available online in [[[|NTNU's]] room card register]. The responsible person for each laboratory or workshop has full access to the room card register and should update the room card directly when necessary. The contents of the room cards is controlled at least once a year.

Action cards

In addition to the room cards, there are action cards on the doors in and out of some laboratories. These are meant as a tool both for training of new users, and as an aid in case of emergency. The cards contain a number of resources to contact and actions to take in case of some possible emergencies inside the laboratory. The action cards include a sketch of the laboratory with the placements of particular risk factors, like gas cylinders, and can be used to assist emergency personnel.

Safety data sheet

Hazardous substances must be registered in the substance register with a standard European safety data sheet. Safety data sheets must also be available in the laboratories either as a paper copy, or in a digital copy on dedicated tablets. If needed, the paper copy or dedicated tablet could be taken along to the hospital or ambulance to assist medical personnel.

Risk assessments

Risk assessments must be performed and be available in writing before any activity involving a risk to health or safety is allowed. The risk manager program is no longer recommended due to instabilities and a loss of data from the system. Until a new digital solution is in place, risk assessments must be entered in spreadsheets (.xlsx). The assessments are stored in the file catalogue for the relevant laboratory, under T:\ie\ies\teknisk\laboratorier. A paper copy should also be available in the laboratory.

Fieldwork, travel, excursions

Work and travel away from the normal working place must be conducted according to NTNUs regulations for such work. The NTNU routine for field work specifies the different roles and work duties for participants of the field work such as «leader of field work», «participant of field work» and «contact at department».

The field work must be planned, and risk assessed before the field work can begin in collaboration with the contact at the department. The contact at the department must also have field cards filled out for all the participants of the field work, and function as a coordinator between the department and the participants of the field work when needed. The contact at the department may be the HSE-coordinator, technical leader, leader of the research group, head of office or head of department, depending on the nature of the field work.

Travels to conferences and similar must be conducted according to NTNUs' rules for travels. It is important that the department has information about the travel schedule and necessary contact information, in particular when it comes to travels abroad. The IE faculty has also prepared a safety instruction for travels abroad. This contains both helpful advice and helpful telephone numbers for such travels.

The faculty has also made regulations for the students' main excursion.

Last updated: 2022-12-01

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ie hse safety ies