
Fume cupboards in laboratories and workshops

The page contains a collection of guidelines about the use of fume cupboards in laboratories and workshops at NTNU.

Norsk versjon - Avtrekksskap i verksted og laboratorier

Topic page about HSE | Pages labelled with fume cupboard

Fume cupboards are one of the most important protective devices in many laboratories. Fume cupboards prevent users in breathing dangerous and irritating vapours and dusts. They should also prevent the formation of explosive gas mixes.

These guidelines only apply to fume cupboards, not to LAF and safety benches. See the Laboratory and workshop handbook.

Guidelines for the use of fume cupboards at NTNU

Familiarise yourself with the guidelines for the use of fume cupboards at NTNU:

Standards and guidance on the use of fume cupboards

NS-EN 14175 - Fume cupboards (Norwegian and European standards for fume cupboards) Find information of the standards for fume cupbaords (requires login to the NTNU network).  

NTNU regulations

Legislation (in Norwegian)

Contact information

HSE coordinators at NTNU

HSE division

Campus Services Division, NTNU

  • Technical emergency preparedness: 918 97 335
  • Technical services and aid: Trond Haugen, tel. 918 97 223
  • Documentation: Per Gjengår, tel. 918 97 218

Operational service, St. Olav’s Hospital

Warm customer service about errors at tel. 06750.

For emergency help outside of regular work hours, contact the technical guard at tel. 995 84 151.


Approved by the head of HSE - February 21 2014 - HMSR62E - ePhorte 2014/3970