
Roles and responsibility for fume cupboards

These guidelines describe responsibility delegation and tasks related to fume cupboards in laboratories and workshops. The guidelines apply to both employees and students.

Norsk versjon - Ansvar og oppgaver for avtrekksskap

Topic page about HSE | Pages labelled with fume cupboard

Using fume cupboards

Fume cupboard users are required to read and follow the following guidelines for using and checking fume cupboards:

Contact persons for fume cupboards

The contact person for fume cupboards at each unit/department is responsible for:

  • Communicating with the external company that performs the annual technical checks, and informing the unit of the check.
  • Checking the fume cupboards at their own unit or coordinating self-checks if other individuals at the unit have received this task.

The person responsible for the room

The person responsible for the room should:

  • Make sure that it is keep tidy and clean in the fume cupboards.
  • Notify the HSE coordinator of any problems with the fume cupboard.

Also see actions and reporting in the case of problems with fume cupboards.

HSE advisor/coordinator at the faculty

The HSE advisor or coordinator at the faculty should:

  • Make the necessary and calibrated measurement tools for measuring the air flow available.
  • Coordinate self-check at all units at the faculty.
  • Coordinator and inform about the results of the technical check. The unit should be notified of the technical check at least 14 days before it is to be performed.
  • Be able to access reports from the central database (the FDV system) to document the status of the faculty’s fume cupboards. If you don’t have access to the FDV system, contact the Campus Services Division.
  • Make sure that people who need to perform self-checks receive the necessary training.

Line leader

The line leader (department or unit leader) has overreaching responsibility for safety in work with fume cupboards at the unit.

The line leader should:

  • Ensure that the guidelines for fume cupboards are known and followed.
  • Select a contact person for each fume cupboard and people to perform self-checks.
  • Provide the necessary training for people who are to perform self-checks.

Campus Services Division

The Campus Services Division is responsible for:

  • Maintaining and administrating the service agreement for the annual technical check.
  • Providing necessary information for ordering and checking work performed by the external service provider.
  • Checking the ventilation system’s capacity, so as to ensure that the fume cupboards work as they should.
  • Checking newly established cupboards; considering the availability of ventilation capacity in the particular zone, channel network and ventilation generator, the physical placement and checking technical requirements to the cupboard and cupboard automation.
  • Checking with the line leader at the unit if any costs occur above and beyond the boundary values agreed upon with the faculty.

Responsibility and cost division between the unit using the cupboard and the Campus Services Division is regulated through the responsibility matrix for internal rent (pdf, in Norwegian) and through a separate service agreement between the Campus Services Division and the faculties.

Also see


Approved by the Director of HSE - February 21, 2014 - HMSRV6205E - ePhorte 2014/3970