Shared network directory - Kunnskapsbasen
Shared network directory
All employees at NTNU have access to a shared network directory for internal file sharing. In this page you will learn how to find the shared network directory for your unit.
Norsk versjon - Felles filområde
Topic page about IT services | Pages labeled with network directory
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What is shared network directory?
Shared network directory is a shared storage area for files, available to employees belonging to all Faculties, Departements and Divisions. The storage area is intended for groups requiring shared storage for cooperation and data exchange. Files located in this storage area will be shared among users with access to the spesific directory.
How do I connect to the shared network directory?
On managed NTNU-computers (with Windows) the shared network directory will appear automatically as drive T. If you cannot find drive T under This PC it is most likely not connected. On managed NTNU-computers this can be solved by restarting the computer.
Connect manually
Employees who needs access to a shared network directory from a stand-alone Windows-computer, from a Mac or from Linux, can connect manually.
Step-by-step directions for network directory connect:
Where do I find my unit's shared network directory?
The shared network directories have the same structure as NTNUs organization chart and your access path corresponds to your organizational belonging. If you for instance are employed at a Departement, you'll first select the relevant Faculty and then select your Departements folder.
For easy and quick access to your shared network directory, you can add it to Quick access. Open File Explorer (right-click Start button and select File Explorer), select This PC and navigate to your unit's folder under drive T. Right-click the desired folder and select Pin to Quick access. This folder will now be available from the Quick access-area on the upper left side in File Explorer.
Access permissions to folders
All users have read and write access to their unit's shared network directory. New folders created will have the same access rights as the folder above(inherited rights). This means that all new folders directly created in your unit's directory, basically are accessable for all employees at your unit.
The folders adm and ledelse
Divisions have one predefined folder: ledelse. Departements have two predefined folders: adm and ledelse. These folders are basically not accessable, unless access explicitly is given to spesific users.
Manage permissions to folders
If you want to create a folder with limited(or extended) permissions, or if you want to change permissions on an existing folder, this can be done by a contact person at your unit. Alternatively Orakel Support Services can help you with this.
The page Felles filområde - for gruppeadministratorer describes how folders with spesific permissions can be managed by local management (norwegian only).
The page Felles filområde - for domeneadministratorer describes how to create new folders with spesific permissions (norwegian only).
What can be stored in a shared network directory?
A shared storage area is intended for groups requiring shared storage for cooperation and data exchange. Files located in this storage area will be shared among users with access to the spesific directory, and thus are editable to multiple users. Avoid storing personal and sensitive information in shared folders.
Consult a contact person belonging to your unit if you have questions regarding administration of shared network directory. Alternatively Orakel Support Services can help you.