
Printing in the library

Information about printing in the NTNU University Library. Our printers are maintained by the Orakel Support Services

Norsk versjon - Utskrift ved biblioteket

Library services for students | Library services for employees

Print, scan and copy

You need to be logged on to a library computer with username and password to print. To activate the print you need to use your NTNU ID card.

 Find printer 

You must have an NTNU printer installed on your laptop to be able to print. Find the address to the printer you want to use under “Queue”.

Printing is not possible from our guest computers.

All students can print 300 black and white pages each semester - see prices for printing or more about student allowance for printing.

Some of the libraries have a scanner where you can send your scanned document to a memory stick or email address. The email address must be an NTNU address. Some libraries also have copiers.

If you have problems with installing the printer please contact the Oracle Support Services at They can also be reached by phone 73 59 15 00 (between 08am - 4pm).


  • The printer can use up to 3 minutes to print, depending on the workload, so wait a minute if your print does not come immediately. Try swiping your card again.
  • If your name does not show up in the display, make sure your card is being read.
  • If your name does show up in the display, but there are no printouts, make sure you’ve sent it to the right printer.

You might not be able to get prints if your card is too old. Contact Orakel Support Services


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