
Student allowance for printing

Information about the student allowance for printing and prices for printing and copying for students.

Norsk versjon – Utskriftskvote for studenter

You will automatically be given a printing allowance of 300 kroner at the beginning of the semester (Autumn 2016). Your printing allowance is linked to your student card. You don't need to upgrade your card, however, for this new printing service to work.

Prices for printing and copying

Prices apply to both single- and double-sided print-outs and photocopies. Scanning is free.

Single-page and double-sided printing costs the same, so by selecting duplex where available, you only pay half the price.

  • A4 BW | 75 øre per sheet (37 øre per page)
  • A4 colour | 1 krone per sheet (50 øre per page)
  • A3 BW | 1.50 kroner per sheet (75 øre per page)
  • A3 colour | 2 kroner per sheet (1 kr per page)

Purchase terms for printing

Use your student card for printing, scanning and copying

To retrieve your print-outs or copies, you need to run your student card through the card reader that is on top of the printer. Your allowance is reduced by the appropriate amount when your print job is completed.

Printers with screens will show you how much you have remaining in your printing allowance, or your can check your allowance in the printing system.

The standard setting for printing is for double-sided, black-and-white copies. Colour print-outs, photocopies and scans are only possible if the printer you chose allows these functions.

Collect your print-outs within 24 hours of printing them

You must collect your print-outs within 24 hours or they will be deleted from the printer queue.

You should also check the printer queue and delete any old printing jobs if you no longer need the copies. That will save you from burning up your printing allowance on unneeded copies.

Add money to your printing allowance account

Old system (Everyonprint - ntnuprint-ricoh): Add money to your account.
New system (myPrint - NTNU-Print): - Click Purchase credit.

Frequently asked questions

Q: What happens if I print without enough money/I exceed the allowance in my account?

A: The answer depends on the kind of printer you are using when you exceed your printing allowance. Xerox printers will complete your job even if the job means your account balance will be negative. Ricoh printers will print out pages up to the amount that is covered by your printing allowance but will stop when your allowance is exceeded.

You will not be able to log onto a printer if you have a negative balance in your account.

Q: What happens to my printing allowance at the end of the semester or when I am done with my studies?

A: Your printing allowance will be deleted before the next semester starts up. If you have added money to your account – this amount will not be deleted. However, note that you will not be given a refund for the remaining amount in your printing allowance when you are done with your studies. This also holds true for any money you might have added to your printing allowance in excess of the funds you are automatically granted. So it makes sense not to add more money to your account than you think you will need.

Q: What if my student card doesn't work?

A: Your student card is equipped with something called MiFareID, which enables it to recognize your print jobs on the printer. If the card reader on the printer can't read your card, it might be because the MiFareID function on your card is not registered or is not working properly. It takes at least one day from getting the card until it works on the printers.

If you are still stuck, contact Orakeltjenesten for help. Have the following information available when you contact them:

  • your card number
  • which printer you tried to use

Contact Orakeltjenesten.

If there is an unfixable problem with the MifareID in your card, you will have to contact the access control office and get a new student card.

Q: What do i do if my print job isn't printed?

A: If the printer does not print your job after you have selected it from the list, you must remove the job from the printer queue. This is done by pressing the Print job button, then finding your job and pressing delete. If you do not do this, and the printer starts working again, you will be charged for that print job when the print is completed.


Questions regarding printing problems and printer-equipment related problems should be directed to Orakeltjenesten.