
Purchase terms for printing

Overview of terms of purchase, including right of withdrawal, complaint, right of appeal and information on privacy policy.

Purchase for printing applies to students only.

Norsk versjon - Kjøpsvilkår for utskriftsbetaling

Information for students on printing and copying

Terms of purchase

Each semester, students receive a free printing allowance of NOK 300. Any remaining free allowance will be deleted when a new allowance is allocated the following semester.

If you want to print for more than NOK 300, you can buy additional printing allowance. Printing allowance you have paid for, but not used, is carried over to the following semester.

Information on printing allowance and prices

All prices are in Norwegian kroner (NOK).
The service is not subject to value added tax (VAT).

Any unused balance of the amount paid in cannot be claimed back, neither during the course of study nor when you leave as a student. Any remaining balance belongs to NTNU.

Right of withdrawal

The largest amount for which it is possible to purchase for is NOK 200. The right of withdrawal does not apply to amounts below NOK 300.


If your printing allowance is deducted for printing that fails, you can contact the Orakel Support Services at NTNU for a refund of the lost amount. If a refund is granted, the lost amount will be credited to your print quota. It is not possible to get a refunded amount paid to a card/account or in cash.

You may contact Orakel Support Services via NTNU Help or tel. 73 59 15 00.


Appeals should be directed to the Orakel Support Services.

You may contact Orakel Support Services via NTNU Help or tel. 73 59 15 00.

Privacy Policy

NTNU is responsible for the processing of the purchase of printing allowance and the processing of personal data in this context.

NTNU’s Privacy Policy

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