Labour unions - Kunnskapsbasen
Labour unions
Information about the labour unions and safety representatives at NTNU.
Norsk versjon - Fagforeninger.
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Unions safeguard your interests and ensure that you have the right to participate in decision making in the workplace. Unions are of particular help in the following different areas:
- Take care of members' interests in central and local wage settlements
- Develop requirements for new labour agreements
- Provide help during labour disputes and the like
- Represent members in association with job appointments
- Keep members informed on relevant wage and work questions
You must contact the relevant labour union yourself to register.
Unions found at NTNU
Overview of the labour unions at NTNU, sorted under the four main associations on the employee`s side.
AKAD - The Federation of Norwegian Professionals Associations
Read about this federation at
- AFAG- the Architects' Trade Union Federation (in Norwegian) - Arkitektenes fagforbund
- Econa (for economists) (in Norwegian)
- Juristforbundet (In Norwegian)
- Naturviterne
- Norwegian Association of Economists - Samfunnsøkonomene
- The Norwegian Association of Graduate Teachers - (in Norwegian) -Norsk lektorlag
- Norwegian Association of Physicians in Science (NAPS) (in Norwegian)- Foreningen for leger i vitenskapelige stillinger (LVS)
- The Norwegian Dental Association (NDA) - Den norske tannlegeforening
- The Norwegian Psychological Association (NPF) (in Norwegian) - Norsk psykologforening
- The Norwegian Medical Association (NMA) - Den norske legeforening
- The Norwegian Veterinary Association (DNV) - Den norske veterinærforening
- The Association of Social Scientists (in Norwegian) - Samfunnsviternes fagforening
- Tekna - the Norwegian Society of Graduate Technical and Scientific Professionals
LO - Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions
Read about this confederation at
- CREO (NMF) (In Norwegian)
- NTL - the Norwegian Civil Service Union
- Skolenes landsforbund (SL)
- The Norwegian Union of Social Educators and Social Workers (FO)
UNIO - The Confederation of Unions for Professionals
Read about this confederation at
- Akademikerforbundet (in Norwegian)
- Det norske maskinistforbundet (in Norwegian)
- Norsk ergoterapeutforbund (in Norwegian)
- Norwegian Union of Librarians (BF) (in Norwegian)
- Norwegian Physiotherpist Association (NPA) (in Norwegian)- Norsk fysioterapiforbund
- Norwegian Nurses Organisation (NSF) - Norsk sykepleierforbund
- The Norwegian Association of Researchers (NAR) - Forskerforbundet
- The Norwegian Society of Radiographers - Norsk radiografforbund
- The Union of Education Norway - Utdanningsforbundet
YS - The Confederation of Vocational Unions
Read about this confederation at
- Delta (in Norwegian)
- Parat (in Norwegian)
- Skolelederforbundet (in Norwegian)
These unions are affiliated with AKAD during negotiations.
- Den norske jordmorforeningen (in Norwegian)
- NITO - the Norwegian Society of Engineers and Technologists
- The Norwegian Association of Pharmacists
Labour union deductions and tax liability
Trade union fees can be deducted directly from your salary. The agreement of deduction through the salary is made between the individual member and its trade union.
The Service Center for Payroll and HR, which administers the salary system at NTNU, receives notification from the labour union about new members. As an employee, you don't need to take any action. As soon as the Service Center receives notification from the labour union, we record the union deduction in the salary system.
If you don't have a deduction but pay union membership fees through an invoice, you must inform the Service Center along with documentation.
Union deductions and tax liability
Deduction for trade union fees are tax-free up to a certain amount each year. When the ceiling for tax exemption is reached, the deduction per month becomes taxable. This will affect your net salary, which usually takes place at the end of each year.
If you switch unions during the main collective agreement period
Everyone who is a member of a union is bound by their collective agreement for the two years of its validity. This means that if you switch unions during this period, you are bound by the collective agreement of the union you belonged to at the start of the main collective agreement period. You will immediately become a member of the new union, but your salary will be negotiated based on the collective agreement of the union you belonged to at the beginning of the main collective agreement period.
Joining a union
When you, as an nonunionized, become a member of a labour union, you are linked to the collective agreement of your union from the date you join. You are then registered with a union deduction and receive an annual salary/salary level based on the collective agreement to which you belong.
Safety representative
The safety representatives at NTNU`s job is to look after employee interests related to working environment issues.
The Basic Collective Agreement for the Civil Service (Hovedtariffavtalen i staten) and NTNU's adjustment agreement (in Norwegian) regulates the basis for cooperation for real participation and co-determination between the employer and the trade unions at NTNU.
Read more about participation and co-determination
- Tillitsvalgt ved NTNU - Absence of leave (in Norwegian)