
Guide to Innsida

Innsida messages

(Videresendt fra Innsida news)

All about the internal messaging system at NTNU's intranet.

Norsk versjon - Innsida nyheter.

Topic page about IT services | Pages labeled with Innsida

In short

  • Alle messages/news is available from your startpage.
  • You have one menu for navigation and filtering messages.
  • Important messages are easier to spot.
  • The limitation of viewing only four messages per channel has been removed.

Innsida news are on your start page when you log in to Innsida. Here you can read news and messages from your units, common news from NTNU, and other optional channels you choose to follow.

Innsida illustrasjonsbilde

  1. Start page. All messages.
  2. Show only messages from this category.
  3. All channels in this category will then be available under the category.
  4. Show only messages with this tag.
  5. Click the star in order to save the message in favourites/read later.
  6. Click the message title to read the message. Click the title again to close it.
  7. Write a new message.
  8. Date published - most recent message first.

News menu

  • Toppsaker - a selection of common, important NTNU messages.
  • Calendar - activity calendar that presents the messages that are marked with a start and end date. Based on the channels that you follow.
  • My posts - overview of the messages you have written.
  • Favourites - shows the messages you have marked with a star.
  • Hidden posts - shows the messages you have marked with a trash can.
  • Admin - administer roles and channels (for administrators only).
  • All messages - shows all messages from all the channels you follow.
  • Org Units - the channels for the units you belong to, such as faculty and department.
  • Locations - the channels for the geographical locations you follow - mainly buildings and cities.
  • Feeds - from external sources such as Universitetsavisa.
  • Other channels - optional channels you can follow at Innsida.
  • Tags - by clicking a tag you can see all the messages in all channels that are marked with that particular tag. Click the TAGS button to add new tags that you want to follow.
  • Channels - get an overview of channels you follow and subscribe to new channels.
    • Your channels: click klikk medlem(member)/forlat (leave) to unsubscribe.
    • Discover new channels: search for channels at Innsida or add your own RSS feeds, such as if you want to read news from Gemini at Innsida.
  • Pin - fasten the menu to prevent it from closing if you choose to shrink the window.
  • Arrow to the left - hide the menu.

Middle column

  • Pencil - write a new message.
  • Calendar - show the activity calendar.
  • Paragraph icon - show news/messages.
  • Star - click on the star to the left of the message you want to mark as favourite. You will find it under "Favourites" in the menu to the left on the page and will be alerted if anyone comments on the message.
  • Channel title - shows what channel the message has been published in.
  • Title - The title of the message - click it to open and close the message.
  • Date - The message's publishing date.
  • Trash can - hide a message. You will find it again under "Hidden posts" in the menu to the left.
  • Fetch more (at the bottom) - loads more messages that was published earlier.

Extra important messages in red

Extra important messages are in red. The red text will disappear when you open the message.

Read message

  • From the news stream/start page click on the title to read the message.
  • Close the message by clicking the title again, or just keep on reading the next message.
  1. Message title.
  2. The channel where it was published and the publishing date.
  3. Author.
  4. Mark the message as a favourite/read later. you will be alerted if anyone comments on the message.
  5. Show comments and write your own comments.
  6. Thumbs up for things you like or find useful.
  7. Share to a different channel.
  8. Copy a link to the message or share the message by email.
  9. Click to see all messages marked with the same tag.

More functionality:

  • Print - if you want to print a message.
  • Megaphone - shows that the message has been published in several channels. Click to show which channels.
  • Edit - edit the message (need access).
  • Delete - deletes the message for everyone (need access).

Show a message in the calendar

By clicking the calendar button messages will be presented in a new way:

  • Sorted as a calendar based on the event date and not the publishing date.
  • Shows only events in channels you follow.
  • Shown only if the author of the message added calendar data (dates, location etc.) when writing the message.

Q & A

How can I post a message to all students at NTNU?

Send a request with information about the target group, text, images/photo and links. Contact and editorial guidelines.

Where can I find vacancies?

Where can I find conferences and seminars?

Information about conferences and seminars and guest lectures are available in message channels and at


Orakel Support Services can help you if you run into problems.

This information applies after the transition to the new version on 5 August 2024

How you read messages and use the messaging system on Innsida.

Main page: All guides for Innsida | Norsk versjon: Innsida meldinger

Read messages

All messages are collected on the home page when you log in to Innsida. Here you can read messages from your devices, common news for NTNU and other channels that are relevant to you.

  • To read a message, click on the title.
  • You close the message by clicking on the title again.

At the bottom of a message you will find functions to comment, like and share the message. In addition, you can see clicking on More to, among other things, hide, republish to another channel and hide messages.

You can choose between two views of messages: List view and card view. You can check out what you like best by clicking on the list/card icons at the top right above the messages on the home page.

Some messages may be marked with a blue background. These are important messages that the sender believes is important for you to receive. The blue color disappears when you have read the message.

Write messages

Post a message on Innsida.

Channel settings

Approximately at the bottom of the left column you will find channel settings. Here you can:

Some channels are mandatory, others you can subscribe to. Add and remove message channels.

Favorite channels

Here you will find messages from channels that you use most and that you have marked as favorites in Channel settings (see above).

Favorite messages

If there are special messages that you want to mark and take care of, click on Favorite (the star) at the bottom of the message. The message will then be placed under Favorite messages in the left column.

You can also favorite a message to get push notifications about comments on a posted message. This notice will appear under Notifications in the left column.

My messages

Here you will find a list of all the messages you have written yourself.

Hidden messages

Some people like to clear and use Hide message to clear the messages. You can find this function under More at the bottom right of the message. If you still want to see a message you have hidden, you can click on Hidden messages in the left column of the home page.


You will receive a notification in the left column if someone has commented on a message you have written, wants to subscribe to a message channel on which you are an administrator, or if you have favorited a message and someone comments on it.


Do you have questions about Innsida? Please contact us via NTNU Hjelp.

Child Pages (7)

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