
Zoom video lectures

Zoom - Registering participants

Here you can read about how to register participants in your Zoom meetings.

Norsk versjon: Zoom - Oppmøteregistrering

Automatic Registration

Zoom logs all participants automatically. To ensure that this logging provides you with relevant information, it is a good idea to require authentication for your meeting - this will require participants to verify themselves with their NTNU accounts so that the log provided by Zoom shows full names.This is important because participants that join with private accounts do not necessarily have full or correct names associated with them.

After your meetings in Zoom, you can find the participant report by visiting and logging in.

  1. Click Sign in (1) - you should log in using the same account as you did when you hosted the meeting, presumably your NTNU account.
    The Zoom conferencing menu is displayed, along with a tab that reads "1" pointing to a button that reads "sign in".
  2. Click Reports (2) in the left margin.
    The lefthand menu in Zoom is displayed and "reports" is highlighted, where a tab that reads "1" is pointing to it.
  3. Next, click Usage (3).
    "Usage" is highlighted, with a tab that reads "3" pointing to it.
  4. Here you will find an overview of the meetings you hosted, as well as miscellaneous information about them. To find the list of participants for a given meeting, click on Participants (4). Here you will see how many participants were in the meeting, and to get a list of participants for that meeting, click on the number.
    A column labeled "participants" is highlighted with a box and a tab that reads "4" is pointing to it.
  5. The list of participants show how many participants were present, when they entered the meeting, when they left the meeting, and how much time they were in the meeting in total.
    The meeting participants list in Zoom is displayed

Alternative registration

The methods described below give the host the opportunity to retrieve more information about participants than what automatic registration in Zoom does. You can read more about these topics here.

Before the Meeting

  1. Open the Zoom Web Portal.
  2. Log in with your NTNU user and click SIGN IN on the top-right of the screen. Remember to sign in with SSO.
  3. Select Meetings in the menu on the left side.
    The lefthand menu in Zoom is displayed, along with an arrow pointing towards "meetings"
  4. Select Schedule a Meeting to plan a new meeting, or Edit to make changes to the settings of a meeting that has already been scheduled.
    Image displays the menu that opens upon clicking the meetings button. One arrow points to "schedule a meeting" towards the top of the page, while another points to an "edit" button.
  5. Make sure to tick off the Required box next to Registration.
    The "required" checkbox next to "registration" has an arrow pointing to it
  6. If you wish to require participants to answer questions before they are admitted into the meeting, you can do so as follows:
    1. Click on Meetings and then Upcoming, and click on the name of the meeting.
      An arrow pointing to "my meeting" is displayed in the upcoming meetings list.
    2. You will now be redirected to the following page:
      The page that appears when following the previous step is displayed
    3. On the bottom of the screen under Registration, click on Edit on the right-hand side of the screen.
      An arrow pointing to "edit" is displayed.
    4. You will see a pop-up window where you have the option to change registration settings, including the questions you wish to require participants to answer during registration.
      Image of the pop-up window that is shown when editing the registration settings
    5. Select Questions to add questions that already exist within the Zoom database.
      The pop-up window with the list of questions prepared for registration is displayed
    6. Select Custom Questions to create your own questions. Remember to click on Create when you are finished writing a question.
      The window for creating custom questions for registration is displayed.
    7. Click Save All to save all changes.

You are now ready to start your meeting!

After the Meeting

  1. Below Meetings in the Zoom Web Portal, click Previous, and then the name of the meeting.
    An arrow is pointing to "my meeting" in the list of previous meetings.
  2. You will now be directed to this web page:
    Image of the page that is displayed when clicking on the previous meeting
  3. At the bottom of this page, you will find a tab entitled Registration. The number of participants and the details of each participant can be found here by clicking View.
    Two arrows are displayed: the first indicating the location of the "registration" tab and the second pointing to "view" underneath it and to the right.
  4. Information regarding the meeting participants will be displayed in a pop-up window.
    Image of the pop-up window displayed when clicking view in the previous step
  5. To get more information about a given participant, click on the name of the participant to open Registrant Details. If you required participants to answer questions during registration, the participant's answer(s) will be displayed here.

See also


The Orakel Support Services can help you if you encounter any issues.

Contact the Section for teaching, learning and digital services (SLD) for help with digital teaching through NTNU Help.