
Venues for courses and conferences

You have a range of venues to choose from if you are organising a training course or a conference. On this page, you can find useful tips and suggestions for venues and contacts.

Norsk versjon - Lokaler til kurs og konferanser

Consider the following

  • Who administers the venue?
  • How many guests are you expecting?
  • Universal design; does the venue accommodate handicapped?
  • Do you need a meeting room or group room, as well?
  • Food serving
  • Guided tour
  • Parking
  • Journalist access to the venue
  • Induction loop or IR systems
  • Common area

Book external venues in Trondheim and the surrounding area

Conference venues at hotels in Trondheim and in the surrounding area included in NTNU’s framework agreement (log on by using your username and password from NTNU)

Book (BtB) or contact your purchaser

Book venues at NTNU

If you wish to use a venue at NTNU you can reserve it via room booking. Employees can book lecture halls for the semester after the schedule has been published.

Regulations about who can book rooms for what, see short-term booking of campus areas.

Questions and requests for reservations far ahead will be answered through NTNU Hjelp.

Common areas on campus

Exhibitions and other events can be arranged in common areas but you have to book booth locations in the area you want to use.

Eastern Gløshaugen

This venue at Gløshaugen is administered by Rector. Contact Ingeborg Vasli, Rector’s secretary, if you have questions.


Rådssalen in the Main Building is administered by Rector. All use must be accepted by her. An application must be submitted to Rector via Ingeborg Vasli. Rådssalen can not be used for doctoral defenses. If you want to arrange a doctoral defence in the Main Building, please use Disputasrommet (see information below).

Disputasrommet (formerly Totalrommet)

Disputasrommet in the Main Building is administered by Studieavdelingen, but is reserved for doctoral defenses and is not available for other events within three weeks of a scheduled doctoral defense. Book via room booking.



  • Located at Kalvskinnet and has an auditorium that takes 80 people.
  • Can only be booked within the museum opening hours (Tues-Fri 10-16) for non-staff at the NTNU University Museum. Reservation is made via room booking.
  • During the day, the clerk has the key to the auditorium.

Lerchendal Gård and Østre Gløshaugen

Lerchendal Gård and Østre Gløshaugen are only lent to the rector and the rector's management team, department directors and deans. Representative arrangements for the principal have priority.

Unfortunately, others do not have the opportunity to borrow these buildings.

Exhibition areas

If the conference will include an exhibition, you need to book a booth location.

  • The NTNU duty officers are available, for a fee, if the event is held after work hours and requires assistance/security.
  • The halls at Dragvoll cannot be used for exhibitions due to the fire safety regulations.

If you have questions, contact Vakt og service.

See also