
Booking a booth location

Booking a booth and banner location

In Norwegian: Bestilling av standplass

Booth and banner locations can be booked in TP: Resource booking. There you will also be able to see when the locations are available. Banner locations are only in Realfagbygget, at Dragvoll, in Elektro and Sentralbygg 1 and 2.

Maps of the booth and banner locations

In the maps below you can see where the booth and banner locations are:

How to book a booth and banner location

The manuals below explains how you book a booth location. Banner locations are booked in the same way.

Booth and banner locations are booked in the Resource booking module in TP.

Choose "Standplasser" under "Choose place"

You will now be able to select "Choose time first" or "Choose resource first". Below you will find the guide for choosing time first. The same applies if you choose resource first, except the order is reversed.

If you choose time first, you will now be able to select start date/time and end date/time.

After you have selected the date and time, you will be able to select the booth you wish to book.

After you have selected the booth you wish to use, you will have to write a comment describing the purpose of your booking before pressing "Book".

You will then receive a confirmation of your booking:

If you wish to edit or delete your booking, you can do so by clicking the icons in the upper right corner.