Publication funding arrangements - Kunnskapsbasen
Publication funding arrangements
Publishing at NTNU is administered by the University Library and the publishing costs are covered through a joint literature- and publishing budget allocation.
The allocated resources cover Open Access publishing in journals included in transformative agreements (Publish & Read agreements), publishing in Open Access journals and pure Open Access books (gold OA) and Open Access infrastructure.
It is a prerequisite that they are approved at level 1 or 2 in the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers.
Norsk versjon - Publiseringsordning
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Journal publications
Only the Corresponding Author will be covered by NTNUs agreements. The Corresponding Author must be affiliated with NTNU as an employee, student, externally funded PhD-candidate or guest researcher. This affiliation must also appear in the paper, by stating the researchers institutional address.
You can publish open in journals based on these agreements: Agreements for Publishing Open Access.
Are you not able to find your preferred publisher in the agreement list?
Send e-mail to with the title of the article, journal and ISSN number. The University Library can give advice on choice of publication channel, how to cover costs related to publishing and other questions related to the publishing process.
Publishing books and book chapters
The publishing arrangement provides financial support towards covering the publication fee for pure Open Access books, ie that the book in its entirety will be openly available online with a Creative Commons licence. The total cost for publication and proportion of NTNU authors will determine the size of the financial support, max per book/chapter is 50 000,-. The size of the financial support will depend on the The total cost for the publication and the proportion of NTNU authors.
The University Library can give advice on how to cover costs related to publishing and other questions related to the publishing process.
How to cover the APC in a journal included in one of NTNU's open publication agreements?
The corresponding author must be affiliated with NTNU. Enter NTNU as the institution when you submit your manuscript to the publisher. Use your email address. During the publishing process, you will receive information from the publisher about publishing open access at no cost to you.
How to cover the APC in a journal that is not included in one of NTNU's open publication agreements?
NTNU will cover the APC if the journal is an Open Access journal (registered in DOAJ) and it is at level 1 or 2 in the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals. The corresponding author must be affiliated with NTNU.
Send an e-mail to with the journal title, ISSN number, as well as the title of your article.
How do I know if the journal is included in NTNU's agreements for publishing Open Access?
The journal is included in an agreement if you can find it in the title lists located here: Agreements for publication with open access.
How do I know if the journal is Open Access?
You can check whether the journal is registered in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
What if I can't find the journal in DOAJ?
How to get the publication fee covered for a book?
NTNU will cover up to NOK 50,000 of the book processing charge (BPC) if the entire book is published Open Access with a Creative Commons-license and the publisher is at level 1 or 2 in the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals. The book must be peer-reviewed, and the corresponding author/editor must be affiliated with NTNU.
Send an e-mail to and let us know what publisher and book it is.
How to get the publication fee covered for a chapter in a book?
NTNU will cover the book processing charge (BPC) for a chapter in a book if the entire book is published Open Access with a Creative Commons-license and the publisher is at level 1 or 2 in the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals. The book must be peer-reviewed, and the corresponding author must be affiliated with NTNU.
Send an e-mail to and let us know what publisher and book it is.
What costs are covered in a journal?
The article processing charge (APC).
What costs are covered in a book or a chapter?
The book processing charge (BPC). For entire books, up to NOK 50,000 is covered. For a chapter, the entire BPC is covered.
What costs are not covered?
Additional fees such as color printing, additional illustrations, or extra pages are not covered.
The University Library publishing group ( if you have questions about publishing at NTNU or if you have feedback regarding the content on this page.