Plagiarism control - Using Urkund in Blackboard - Kunnskapsbasen
Plagiarism control - Using Urkund in Blackboard
This page gives an introduction on how to use Ouriginal Plagerism Checker in Blackboard.
This page is applicable to employees in administrative and academic positions.
Norwegian version: Bruke Ouriginal i Blackboard
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What is Ouriginal?
NTNU uses Ouriginal ( for plagiarism control of assignments. Ouriginal compares a submitted assignment with previously submitted work at NTNU, in addition to other sources from the internet. The system performs an analysis and creates a report that states the similarity in percentage between the submitted text and other sources, hence contributing to uncover possible plagiarism cases. The report directly refers to sources and text that have similarities. Read more about how the plagiarism control works, and guidelines on how to apply the plagarism checker at Plagiarism control at NTNU.
How to activate Ouriginal in Blackboard
When Ouriginal Plagiarism Checker is activated for an assignment, the system generates a report and states similarity in percentage between the submitted assignment and other sources. The report will appear as a link available via the grade center.
- Check that edit mode is ON (1), then, create a new assignment (see Creating individual mandatory assignments) or edit an existing assignment.
- You find the text editor under Instructions for the assignment. Click on the plus icon (1).
- A new window will appear. Click on Ouriginal Plagerism Checker (2).
- A new window will appear. Click on Ouriginal Plagerism Checker (2).
- A new window with settings will appear with the following options:
- Check Submissions for potential plagiarism using Ouriginal (1) must be checked for the Plagiarism control to be activated.
- Allow student to view originality report (2) allows students to view the plagarism report. A link to the report will be that the student receives on the assignment.
- By ticking off Include similarity score in Grade Center (3) a column in the grade centre will be created containing the similarity score (0-100%). The similarity score states the degree of similarity between the submitted assignment and other sources. If there are multiple submissions by the same student, the cell containing the similarity score will state "MULTI" to indicate that there are multiple similarity scores for the submission.
- Submit previously received answers for plagiarism control (4) makes it possible to carry out plagiarism control on assignments that have already been submitted at the time of activation. This option will not be applicable if you activate the plagiarism control before anyone submits their assignment.
- Click Submit (5) to save the settings.
- A logo and the text Plagiarism Check by Ouriginal (1) is added to the Instructions in the assignment and will be part of the assignment description shown to the students. The text and logo indicates that the activation was successful. If wanted, the the text and logo can be removed, you do so by editing the assignment after saving. Click "Submit (2)" to save the assignment.
Reviewing the results
- Click on Grade Center (1) under Course Management and find the assignment/student you want to grade. Click on the small gray arrow that appears in the cell when hovering the mouse in it, and choose Attempt (2).
- You will now find the submission with Blackboard's grading tool. Click on the arrow under Attempt (1) to expand the description. Here you will find the link to the report in the feedback box (2), and a box to fill in comments (3). The link must be copied (ctrl +c) and pasted (ctrl + v) to a new browser tab or browser window to be able to open it.
For further information about how to understand the report generated by the grade center see Plagarism control - Understanding the Ouriginal analysis report
Watch a video
Explaining the analysis report i Ouriginal.
Useful information
- Ouriginal supports the 12 most common text processing formats:
(.DOC. DOCX. SXW. PPT. PPTX. PDF. TXT. RTF. Html. Htm. WPS. ODT) - The result of the plagarism checker is usualy delivered within about 30 minutes after it was submitted, but it may in some circumstances take up to 24 hours.
- See Ouriginal web-inbox for checking already submitted work for plagiarism .
See also
- Blackboard help page
- Cheating on exams
- Plan, administrate and evaluate teaching
- Exam - planning and administration
Contact the Section for teaching, learning and digital services (SLD) for help with Ouriginal through NTNU Help.