Plagiarism control - Using the Urkund web-inbox - Kunnskapsbasen
Plagiarism control - Using the Urkund web-inbox
This page only applies to academic and administrative staff.
The page explains how to use Ouriginal's standalone internet solution, the "Ouriginal web-inbox", for plagiarism control of texts.
Norwegian: Bruke Ouriginal web-inbox.
What does Ouriginal do?
Ouriginal compares a submission with previously submitted texts and answers to assignments at NTNU and texts available via sources on the internet. The system performs an analysis and compiles a report indicating similarity in percentage (hit percentage) between the submitted text and texts in other sources. The report provides direct reference to sources and text in sources that have similarities. Note: NTNU's database of texts is exclusive to NTNU. Texts are, as of today, not compared with texts in databases of other institutions.
User Guide for how to understand the analysis report can be found at Innsida: Understanding the Ouriginal analysis report.
How to deliver texts for plagiarism control?
Texts (answers to assignments) can be submitted in 3 different ways:
- Upload the text via Ouriginal's web interface to the teacher's account.
- Send the text via e-mail directly to the teacher's account in Ouriginal.
- Deliver the text in Blackboard or Inspera.
This guide describes methods 1 and 2. Ouriginal's web interface is so far only in English. The English menu choices are used in this guide.
Log in when you have an account
Select Log in - Log in to Ouriginal - Select NTNU from the list of institutions - Sign in via Institution
Web interface
Upload files and/or create folders
Get an overview of hit percentage/text similarity, reference number (D number), file size.
For further processing and access to the analysis report - Select Open Report
Analysis report
User manual for the report can be found at Innsida: Understanding the Ouriginal analysis report.
Useful information
- If Ouriginal is used via e-mail, the text that shall be checked must be sent in as a file. Nothing that is pasted into or written directly in the body of the e-mail will be analyzed.
- If someone sends an e-mail without an attachment to an analysis address this e-mail will be refused and no an error message will be sent from Ouriginal. The e-mail and document will not reach the intended recipient.
- You cannot "share" documents with an analysis address via Google Docs or other cloud-based services. Ouriginal must have a file to work with and a link to a resource that contains the file is not enough.
- When using online e-mail clients such as Gmail or MSN, make sure that the file is sent as an attachment and not as a download link to a cloud storage area.
- Ouriginal supports the 12 most common word processing formats: .DOC .DOCX .SXW .PPT .PPTX .PDF .TXT .RTF .Html .Htm .WPS .ODT.
- PDF/A are flagged as “read only” and is not accepted by Ouriginal as Ouriginal needs to be able to extract the text.
- Ouriginal does not currently support the iWorks format .Pages, however, iWorks users can "Save as" many of the accepted file formats above.
- If a student submits documents with an incorrect file format, such as "essay.% & @" Or "", he gets an error message from Ouriginal telling that the document cannot be analyzed. The e-mail with the attached document will not be forwarded to the educator!
- It is possible to attach more than one document in the same e-mail, but we recommend that each document is submitted separately.
- Any images in the e-mail itself, for instance, a logotype in a signature, will generate a separate error message but the document will still be received by Ouriginal as normal.
- If multiple versions of a document is sent from the same email to the same analysis address no checks against previously submitted versions will be performed. I.e. version 1 will not be included as source in the analysis of version 2. If a document is sent to another analysis address, or several analysis addresses at once, or sent from a different e-mail client the document will be analysed.
- If one version is submitted from the student e-mail and version two is submitted from, say, a Yahoo address, there will be a duplicate hit in Ouriginal. The educator can easily turn these obstructing hits off in the analysis and examine other highlights instead. There is a step-by-step Masterclass guide for this available via the HELP button ( ? ) in the Ouriginal analysis.
- If you use a spam filter and want to be able to receive all kinds of e-mails from Ouriginal it may be necessary to specify the domains and as "trusted".
- If there are no disturbances the result of the analysis will usually be delivered within about 30 minutes after it was submitted. It may in some rare circumstances take up to 24 hours.
Plagiarism control of submissions in Blackboard
For plagiarism control of answers to assignments in Blackboard, we recommend to submit in Blackboard as for other submissions not undergoing plagiarism control. This gives the students one way to submit answers. We recommend that yourself or a scientific assistant, downloads the answers you want to check for possible plagiarism. Answers from several students can be downloaded at the same time as one zip-file from Blackboard. The zip-file can be uploaded directly to Ouriginal via the web-inbox as explained above. In this way, you control which submissions are sent for plagiarism control. If the zip-file contains more than 50 submissions, it should be split.
You will receive one e-mail from Ouriginal for each file in the zip-file confirming that the document has been received. You cannot turn off this e-mail confirmation. To avoid filling up your inbox, you may want to filter these e-mails into a separate folder in your e-mail client. Note: The zip-file from Blackboard also contains a text file (.txt) for each submission with information about the assignment, sender etc. Ouriginal will also send an e-mail for each of these .txt files! To avoid an e-mail for each .txt-file, you can delete these text files before uploading the zip-file. If you sort the contents of the zip file on file size, you should see the text files (they are about 460 bytes, or less than 1 kB). You can mark and delete the files before you upload the zip-file.
Important: When you download the submissions from several students at a time as a zip-file, each file is named: "<name of assignment>_<the student's user name in blackboard>_forsøk_<time submitted>_<filename given by the student>". The student's user name is the key to identify the student. If you need to know the student's full name, this is found in the grading center in Blackboard. In the grading center both the user name, the first and last name are listed.
If you have questions about the use of Ouriginal, contact the Orakeltjenesten:, (735) 91500.