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Plagiarism control at NTNU

This page explains plagiarism control at NTNU. The information applies to employees in administrative and academic positions.

Norwegian: Plagieringskontroll ved NTNU.

What does the plagiarism control do?

A plagiarism control system compares texts and sets the level of similarity between a submitted text and texts in other sources, such as documents in NTNU's plagiarism control database and sources on the internet. The degree of similarity is usually indicated as a percentage (hit percentage) and direct references to text in the submitted document and text in documents from other sources.

The plagiarism check does not make any distinction between properly quoted text and plagiarism. The system is also unable to recognize images and formulas. The returned report must therefore be reviewed by a person with a good knowledge of the subject field to assess whether a submission is plagiarism or not.

Guidelines at NTNU

Plagiarism can be cheating. For further information on handling suspicion of cheating, please refer to Cheating on exams. This tutorial gives also guidelines on how to handle suspicion of cheating at examinations at NTNU.

  • The plagiarism check can be used to upload documents that are security classified as open or internal.
  • Documents that are exempt from public disclosure, e.g. that contain sensitive personal data must not be uploaded to the plagiarism check.
  • Documents with data worthy of protection which are bonded/clause, e.g. Master's theses that contain business secrets must be uploaded to NTNU's secured, confidential area in the plagiarism tool (U4457 – NTNU Confidential).
  • Documents to which the subject teacher/student/institution does not have copyright must not be uploaded to the plagiarism check.
  • Plagiarism reports must only be shared with people who have a professional need to access the report in their work. Sharing the plagiarism report with the student who has submitted the answer on which the report is based is permitted.
  • The plagiarism check must not be used to check your own texts.
  • Plagiarism-checked answers will be stored in NTNU's plagiarism database.
  • Uploaded documents are not deleted from the plagiarism database.

Plagiarism Control at NTNU

NTNU uses Ouriginal ( for plagiarism control. Ouriginal is used by NTNU and 21 other institutions in Norway. The system works as an independent system for submitting answers to assignments directly via email and web and is integrated into Inspera Assessment for checking exam questions. During autumn Ouriginal is planned to be integrated and available in Blackboard.

Ouriginal compares a submission with previously submitted texts and answers to assignments at NTNU and texts available via sources on the internet. The system performs an analysis and compiles a report indicating similarity in percentage (hit percentage) between the submitted text and texts in other sources. The report provides direct reference to sources and text in sources that have similarities.

How to use Ouriginal

  1. Ouriginal is available as a stand-alone system for submitting documents via email or Ouriginal's web interface. Using the Ouriginal web-inbox
  2. Ouriginal is also used by Inspera for checking exam submissions. Using Ouriginal i Inspera
  3. Ouriginal is integrated and available in Blackboard for plagiarism control of students' submissions directly in Blackboard. Using Ouriginal in Blackboard
  4. The Ouriginal analysis report is common and applies to all ways of using Ouriginal. Plagiarism control - Understanding the Ouriginal analysis report

Log in when you have a user

  1. Once you have created a user by following the instructions in the tutorial "Using the Ouriginal web-inbox" you can log in directly via this link:  Ouriginal login
  2. If you want to create a bookmark in your browser, copy this link and save it as bookmark:
  3. If you are already logged in via Feide, you will be directed to your account in Ouriginal. If you are not logged in, you will be directed to Feide login.


Contact the Section for teaching, learning and digital services (SLD) for help with Ouriginal through NTNU Help.

See also

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