
Ordering access to systems and rooms

This page will soon be updated. 

This English page summarizes the processes for ordering access at NTNU (primarily aimed at the administrative staff working with these matters). For complete descriptions, see the Norwegian page: Bestille tilganger til systemer og rom

All new users at NTNU need a user account to access NTNU’s IT systems, buildings and rooms. New users at NTNU include new employees, guests, or external users

The prerequisites for creating a user account are:

  1. Signed employment contract for new employees. (more information will follow)

The prerequisites for creating a user accounts for guests, external parties and other people who do not have an employmant contract are:

  1. Signed access agreement for guests. Procedures for access agreements vary to some extent at the different units at NTNU. Please contact your local HR contact if you have any questions.
  2. Register your guest in the Guest Service

Activating a user account:

  1. Users must activate their account themselves, which provides basic IT access. The user will be informed about this in the welcome email
  2. If the user has not activated their account, see the web page on activating a user account.
  3. After activating the account, the user should be operational and ready to get started.

Access beyond basic IT?

If the user also needs access to central administrative systems, this must be ordered at NTNU Hjelp.

Basic IT access

  1. When registration  is complete, the user account and basic IT access will be in place: user name, email, directories, storage, etc. When new employees have activated their account, they are operational.
  2. ONLY if an employee also needs access to central administrative systems, order this at NTNU Hjelp. Do this well in advance of the employee’s starting date! In this way, you can ensure that access to these systems will be in place when the new employee arrives

Central administrative systems that must be ordered in addition. You can order access using the forms in NTNU Hjelp.

  1. Ephorte
  2. Student administration (the FS student system, the Online Course Planner (Emneplanlegging på nett, EpN), planning of timetables and room booking, Blackboard (local administrator))
  3. Salaries/finance/human resources and the BDM

Building access and ID card

  1. To get a building access and ID card, the user must be registered.
  2. The user must have activated their user account.
  3. To collect the access card, go to Access Control with valid proof of identity. The access card allows access to buildings and rooms according to the unit (k-sted cost centre) registered for the user.
  4. If the user needs extended access, this must be ordered directly from the physical security unit (Vakt og Service), through the manager.

As a manager/HR employee, you thus do NOT need to submit an order for an access card. The physical security unit gets information about the user from the user administration system (BAS). The access card can be collected as soon as the user account has been activated. Remember to bring proof of identity.

Does the new employee need keys? Order keys through NTNU hjelp, under the category "Adgang, nøkler og vakthold (Access, keys and security)".

Read more about access cards.

Access agreement – for visiting researchers/guests/external parties

You must either have an employment contract or an access agreement to be able to access NTNU’s systems. For a guest/external party without an employment contract, an access agreement must be set up.

An access agreement collects personal information securely, and at the same time represents a written agreement showing who will have access, for what period, and for what purpose.

Click here to create a new access agreement: (Can’t get in? It is easy to register new users using this form in NTNU Hjelp). Creating new access agreements is only to be performed by leaders, and/or administrative staff. 

A detailed description for entering into an access agreement is available on the Norwegian page.

Access to Inspera for external examiners

For registration of external examiners and external specialists so that they can access the relevant system (for example, Inspera), see the complete description on this page: The grading process in Inspera Assessment - for administrative employees (only in Norwegian).


Orakel Support Services can help you if you have questions or problems.

Your HR staff can help you if you have questions about agreements and registration in Paga.

IT services

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