NICE-1 - Kunnskapsbasen
NICE-1 is NTNU's file storage area when you need shielding of data. It has the same functionality as NTNU’s shared network directory, but you will have to connect using VPN with two factor authentication. NICE-1 is available to both students and empoloyees at NTNU (read more about how to request a workspace).
NICE-1 is a result of the first development stage of the service, and consequently has a somewhat limited area of use. It is primarily suitable for storing data. For analysis and processing, you will need to combine it with other solutions to ensure safety.
Norsk versjon - NICE-1
Who should use this service?
NICE-1 is designed as a storage area that provides better shielding of your data. NICE-1 is not an isolated area for processing data (e.g. analysis and editing). Therefore, make sure that your software of use for data processing doesn’t save local copies of the data or other forms of data flow. NICE-1 is classified to handle data that needs a high level of security, see data storage guide for updated information. Read more about the different levels on this wiki (in Norwegian).
Contact Research Data @NTNU if you need assistance with classification of your data, as well as choosing which service is appropriate for your needs.
Examples on usage:
- Question: I’ve taken interviews and need a safe place to store the audio files. Can I use NICE-1?
Answer: Yes. - Question: I’m a project leader for a group with employees and students at NTNU. Can we use NICE-1 for cooperation?
Answer: Yes. Please contact Orakel to share the access. - Question: I want to save pictures and pseudonymized personal data. Can I use NICE-1?
Answer: Yes. Also, remember to clarify the project with NSD if needed (read more about collection of personal data for research projects).
How to order NICE-1
Go to NICE – Storage for Sensitive Data and submit a request. You will need to specify what kind of data you want to store, expected data size on the area, reference number for approval (NSD, REK etc.) and the length of the project. The information reported will be used for internal control, and can be edited in the future. For details, read the section Request workspace.
What does VPN with two-factor login mean?
NICE-1 uses a virtual private network (VPN) to protect your file area. VPN is a software that ensures that the data traffic between your computer and NTNU's systems is encrypted so that it cannot be monitored or read by others. We use a dedicated vpn site ( that must be connected before you can access your file area. When you sign in, you will be asked to authenticate using your NTNU username and password, and you will need to approve your own login using your mobile (two-factor login). In order for you to approve your own login, you must have a separate app installed on your mobile phone (DUO). For details, see the section Setup two-factor authentication.
How to use NICE-1
First, you will need to submit a request and be granted a storage area. To access the area, you will need log in using the VPN-client with your NTNU-username and password in addition to a code from the mobile-app. See NICE-1 - connect to workspace for user guidance.
For more information about the VPN-client and how to install it, see the page Install VPN.
- Is NICE-1 ROS-analyzed?
Yes. NICE-1 is evaluated by risk and vulnerability. Contact NTNU Hjelp if you need extended information on the ROS-analyze. - What should I write about NICE-1 in my data management plan?
Depending on what kind of project, there might be a need of a data management plan (DMP). Read more about data management plan or contact Research Data @NTNU for support. - Can students use NICE-1?
Yes. Students who handle confidential information as part of their student projects should consider using NICE-1 for storage. If you are unsure if this is appropriate for your project, please contact your advisor and/or Research Data @NTNU for support. - Is there any cost when using NICE-1?
Yes and no. It’s free to use NICE-1 with a 10 GB storage frame. If you have need for more storage space than the 10 GB limit, we will have to manually process your request for extra space, which could lead to increased charges at NTNU (funding could be required). - Are there any size restrictions on my data files?
NICE-1 is designed to manage a lot of different file areas with data of smaller size (less than 10 GB). Should you require more space, you can request to expand the file area. Notify the expected volume of data when you fill out the request for a storage area, or contact Orakel to expand the given area of storage (see question 3 regarding cost and funding). - Can I use NICE-1 as a file archive?
No. The typical use of NICE-1 is to save data in the active phase of a project. If you wish to use it as an archive or long-term saving, you can find more information about archives and ask questions about these if you go to the site Research Data @NTNU. - External users need access to my data. Can they get access to NICE-1?
No. Only NTNU-users get access to NICE-1. If external users need access, they will need to create a user account (in Norwegian). - Can I get access to NICE-1 without using mobile phone?
No. NICE-1 requires the use of the app DUO on your mobile device. - I do not have a work phone. Can I/do I have to use my private device?
Yes. The first version of NICE-1 requires the use of the app DUO on your mobile device. As an employee, you can ask your leader if there is an official need to use NICE-1, or if other storage services could be sufficient. As a student, use your private mobile phone.
More information
Orakel Support Services can help if you have questions or if you encounter difficulties.
Child Pages (2)
NICE-1 - connect to workspace
On this page you will learn how to connect to your NICE workspace through VPN and two-factor authentication. We'll also show you how to give other users access to the storage area you've created....
NICE-1 - request workspace
This page shows you how to enable two-factor authentication, which is required to use NICE workspaces. You will also learn how to request a workspace in the storage service. Norsk versjon - NICE-1...